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Anatomical Variations of the Foramen Transversarium in Cervical Vertebrae International Journal of Morphology
Molinet Guerra,Marcia; Robles Fuentes,Patricio; Roa,Ignacio.
The cervical vertebrae are recognized mainly by the presence of the foramen transversarium, which is crossed by the vertebral artery and vein, accompanied by sympathetic fibers. The main objective of this study was to observe and describe the anatomy and variations in the foramen transversarium. 121 cervical vertebrae were analyzed, including the macroscopic characteristics, shape and diameter and presence of the foramen transversarium, as well as the accessory foramen transversarium. All cervical vertebrae presented the foramen transversarium, with a mean diameter of 5.60 mm and a mean diameter of 4.40 mm on the right and 5.92 mm - 5.56 mm on the left, respectively. With regard to shape classification according to Taitz et al. (1978), 90.08 % presented...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Cervical vertebra; Foramen transversarium; Accessory foramen; Vertebral artery.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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