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A Multi-Observation Least-Squares Inversion for GNSS-Acoustic Seafloor Positioning ArchiMer
Sakic, Pierre; Ballu, Valerie; Royer, Jean-yves.
Monitoring deformation on the seafloor is a major challenge for modern geodesy and a key to better understanding tectonic processes and assess related hazards. The extension of the geodetic networks offshore can be achieved by combining satellite positioning (GNSS) of a surface platform with acoustic ranging to seafloor transponders. This approach is called GNSS-Acoustic (GNSS-A). The scope of this work is to provide a tool to identify and quantify key points in the error budget of such experiment. For this purpose, we present a least-squares inversion method to determine the absolute position of a seafloor transponder array. Assuming the surface platform is accurately positioned by GNSS, the main observables are the two-way travel time in water between...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Seafloor geodesy; Offshore geodesy; Absolute seafloor positioning; GNSS-Acoustic; Simulations; Least-squares inversion; Acoustic two-way-travel times; Depth differences; Baseline lengths.
Ano: 2020 URL:
Registros recuperados: 1
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