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Ge/Si and Ge Isotope Fractionation During Glacial and Non-glacial Weathering: Field and Experimental Data From West Greenland ArchiMer
Baronas, J. Jotautas; Hammond, Douglas E.; Bennett, Mia M.; Rouxel, Olivier; Pitcher, Lincoln H.; Smith, Laurence C..
Glacial environments offer the opportunity to study the incipient stages of chemical weathering due to the high availability of finely ground sediments, low water temperatures, and typically short rock-water interaction times. In this study we focused on the geochemical behavior of germanium (Ge) in west Greenland, both during subglacial weathering by investigating glacier-fed streams, as well as during a batch reactor experiment by allowing water-sediment interaction for up to 2 years in the laboratory. Sampled in late August 2014, glacial stream Ge and Si concentrations were low, ranging between 12–55 pmol/L and 7–33 µmol/L, respectively (Ge/Si = 0.9–2.2 µmol/mol, similar to parent rock). As reported previously, the dissolved stable Ge isotope ratio...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Glacial weathering; Germanium; Isotope fractionation; Amorphous silica; Experimental dissolution.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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A First Look at Dissolved Ge Isotopes in Marine Sediments ArchiMer
Baronas, J. Jotautas; Hammond, Douglas E.; Rouxel, Olivier; Monteverde, Danielle R..
The removal of chemical species from seawater during the precipitation of authigenic minerals is difficult to constrain but may play a major role in the global biogeochemical cycles of some elements, including silicon (Si) and germanium (Ge). Here, we present Ge/Si, δ74Ge, and supporting chemical data of pore waters and core incubations at three continental margin sites in California and the Gulf of Mexico. We used these data to partition Ge release and uptake by the various allogenic (delivered via sedimentation) and authigenic (formed in situ) phases in these sediments. About half of the pore water Ge (δ74Gepw = 1.3–2.4‰) is supplied by biogenic silica dissolution (δ74Ge ~ 3‰), with the other half contributed by lithogenic particulates (δ74Ge ~ 0.6‰)....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Germanium; Biogenic silica; Authigenesis; Fe oxides; Isotope fractionation; Continental margin.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Ge and Si isotope signatures in rivers: A quantitative multi-proxy approach ArchiMer
Baronas, J. Jotautas; Torres, Mark A.; West, A. Joshua; Rouxel, Olivier; Georg, Bastian; Bouchez, Julien; Gaillardet, Jerome; Hammond, Douglas E..
Solutes derived from the dissolution of silicate minerals play a key role in Earth’s climate via the carbon and other biogeochemical cycles. Silicon (Si) is a unique constituent of silicate minerals and a biologically important nutrient, so tracing its behavior in near-surface environments may provide important insights into weathering processes. However, Si released by weathering is variably incorporated into secondary mineral phases and biota, obscuring signals derived from primary weathering processes. Due to chemical similarities, Germanium (Ge) may help better understand the Si cycle and its relationship to chemical weathering. With this aim, we report new measurements of the concentration and isotopic composition of Ge for both the dissolved and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Germanium; Silicon; Isotopes; Rivers; Weathering; Fractionation.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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An Intercomparison Study of the Germanium Isotope Composition of Geological Reference Materials ArchiMer
Escoube, Raphalle; Rouxel, Olivier; Luais, Beatrice; Ponzevera, Emmanuel; Donard, Olivier F. X..
Recent analytical developments in germanium stable isotope determination by multicollector ICP-MS have provided new perspectives for the use of Ge isotopes as geochemical tracers. Here, we report the germanium isotope composition of the NIST SRM 3120a elemental reference solution that has been calibrated relative to internal isotopic standard solutions used in the previous studies. We also intercalibrate several geological reference materials as well as geological and meteoritic samples using different techniques, including online hydride generation and a spray chamber for sample introduction to MC-ICP-MS, and different approaches for mass bias corrections such as samplecalibrator bracketing, external mass bias correction using Ga isotopes and double-spike...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Germanium; Isotope; Intercalibration; Reference materials; Germanium; Isotope; Intercalibration; Materiaux de reference.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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The isotope composition of inorganic Germanium in seawater and deep sea sponges ArchiMer
Guillermic, Maxence; Lalonde, Stefan; Hendry, Katharine R.; Rouxel, Olivier.
Although dissolved concentrations of germanium (Ge) and silicon (Si) in modern seawater are tightly correlated, uncertainties still exist in the modern marine Ge cycle. Germanium stable isotope systematics in marine systems should provide additional constraints on marine Ge sources and sinks, however the low concentration of Ge in seawater presents an analytical challenge for isotopic measurement. Here, we present a new method of pre-concentration of inorganic Ge from seawater which was applied to measure three Ge isotope profiles in the Southern Ocean and deep seawater from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Germanium isotopic measurements were performed on Ge amounts as low as 2.6 ng using a double-spike approach and a hydride generation system coupled to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Stable isotopes; Germanium; Silicon; Sponges; Southern Ocean; Chemical oceanography.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Germanium isotopic systematics in Ge-rich coal from the Lincang Ge deposit, Yunnan, Southwestern China ArchiMer
Qi, Hua-wen; Rouxel, Olivier; Hu, Rui-zhong; Bi, Xian-wu; Wen, Han-jie.
Organic matter plays an important role in the transport and precipitation of germanium (Ge) in coal-hosted Ge deposits. In this paper. Ge isotopes of coal samples and their combustion products were analyzed in order to investigate the potential use of Ge isotopes as tracers of Ge sources and enrichment mechanisms in coal. Germanium isotopic composition of various samples (mainly Ge-rich lignite) from the Lincang Ge deposit, Yunnan, Southwest China was analyzed using a continuous flow hydride generation system coupled to a Multi Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (MC-ICP-MS) and the standard-sample bracketing approach. Variations of (74)Ge/(70)Ge ratios are expressed as delta(74)Ge values relative to NIST SRM 3120a Ge standard solution....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Germanium; Coal; Stable isotope fractionation; Water-rock interaction; Geochemical tracer.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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