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Southwest Pacific Ocean response to a warming world: Using Mg/Ca, Zn/Ca, and Mn/Ca in foraminifera to track surface ocean water masses during the last deglaciation 5
Marr, Julene P.; Carter, Lionel; Bostock, Helen C.; Bolton, Annette; Smith, Euan.
In situ measurements of Mg/Ca, Zn/Ca, Mn/Ca, and Ba/Ca in Globigerinoides bulloides and Globigerina ruber from southwest Pacific core top sites and plankton tow are reported and their potential as paleoproxies is explored. The modern samples cover 20 degrees of latitude from 34 degrees S to 54 degrees S, 7-19 degrees C water temperature, and variable influence of subantarctic (SAW) and subtropical (STW) surface waters. Trace element signatures recorded in core top and plankton tow planktic foraminifera are examined in the context of the chemistry and nutrient profiles of their modern water masses. Our observations suggest that Zn/Ca and Mn/Ca may have the potential to trace SAW and STW. Intraspecies and interspecies offsets identified by in situ...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mg; Ca; Mn; Ca; Ba; Ca; Zn; Ca; Southwest Pacific Ocean; Globigerina bulloides; Globigerinoides ruber; Surface ocean; Stratification; Temperature; Nutrient.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Single foraminifera Mg/Ca analyses of past glacial-interglacial temperatures derived from G. ruber sensu stricto and sensu lato morphotypes 5
Schmitt, A.; Elliot, M.; Thirumalai, K.; La, C.; Bassinot, F.; Petersen, J.; Movellan, A.; Jorry, Stephan; Borgomano, J..
The ratio of magnesium to calcium (Mg/Ca) in foraminiferal shells is commonly used as a proxy for past ocean temperature. Recent advances in elemental analyses now enable single-specimen measurements of planktic foraminifera and thus, can provide information on past seasonal and interannual variability, owing to the near-monthly lifespan of foraminifera. In this study, we explore the temperature variance recorded by Mg/Ca in tests of foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber, a planktic species that occurs throughout the year in tropical waters. Using LA-ICP-MS, we characterize Mg/Ca variability in single specimens of two morphotypes of G. ruber picked from a sediment core retrieved offshore New Caledonia. We provide an estimate of the range of calcification...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Globigerinoides ruber; Mg/Ca ratio; Sea surface temperature; LA-ICPMS; Seasonality; Quaternary.
Ano: 2019 URL:
Registros recuperados: 2
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