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Interactions between State and Federal Climate Change Policies AgEcon
Goulder, Lawrence H.; Stavins, Robert N..
Federal action addressing climate change is likely to emerge either through new legislation or via the U.S. EPA’s authority under the Clean Air Act. The prospect of federal action raises important questions regarding the interconnections between federal efforts and state-level climate policy developments. In the presence of federal policies, to what extent will state efforts be cost-effective? How does the co-existence of state- and federal-level policies affect the ability of state efforts to achieve emissions reductions? This paper addresses these questions. We find that state-level policy in the presence of a federal policy can be beneficial or problematic, depending on the nature of the overlap between the two systems, the relative stringency of...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Global Climate Change; Federalism; Cap-And-Trade; Carbon Tax; Regulation; Environmental Economics and Policy; H110; H770; K320; L510; Q480; Q540.
Ano: 2010 URL:
Registros recuperados: 1
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