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Estimation of Food Demand Patterns in South Africa Based on a Survey of Households AgEcon
Agbola, Frank W..
South Africa is emerging as a major player in the world agricultural products market. This study investigates aggregate food demand patterns in South Africa using a linear approximate almost ideal demand system (LA/AIDS) modeling framework. Data from a 1993 integrated national household survey are employed in the analysis. Empirical results show that demand for meat and fish, grains, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, and other foods are generally price elastic. The expenditure elasticities imply that meat and fish and grains are luxury products, whereas dairy products, fruits, vegetables and other foods are necessities in the household diet. The results also indicate that if income of households increases food expenditure on meat and fish and grains...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Household food demand; LA/AIDS model; South Africa; C21; D12.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Estimation of Demand Elasticity for Food Commodities in India AgEcon
Kumar, Praduman; Kumar, Anjani; Parappurathu, Shinoj; Raju, S.S..
The food demand in India has been examined in the context of a structural shift in the dietary pattern of its population. The results have reinforced the hypothesis of a significant diversification in the dietary pattern of households in recent years and has found stark differences in the consumption pattern across different income quartiles. The food demand behaviour has been explained using a set of demand elasticities corresponding to major food commodities. The demand elasticities have been estimated using multi-stage budgeting with QUAIDS model and another alternative model, FCDS. The study has revealed that the estimated income elasticities vary across income classes and are lowest for cereals group and highest for horticultural and livestock...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Food demand; Demand elasticity; QUAIDS model; FCDS model; Household food demand; Agricultural and Food Policy; Q11; Q18.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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