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Contribution à l'étude de faisabilité d'une usine marémotrice dans le Golfe normano-breton - Zooplanctonologie halieutique ArchiMer
Martin, Jocelyne; Halgand, Daniel.
Zooplankton study presented in this paper, is one of the three parts of fish ecology study undertaken by IFREMER in 1983 on Electricité de France request. The present work draws up an inventory of young stages from meroplanktonic species (fish eggs and larvae, crustacean larvae and postlarvae) in the area studied (a part of gulf of St Malo) together with rather large holoplanktonic organisms. Sampling period (from March to September) and periodicity were choosen according to study of hatching area and period of economical crustaceans. An hydrological study was carried out in the same time.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Zooplancton; Ichtyoplancton; Larves; Crustaces; Hydrologie; Manche; Zooplankton; Ichtyoplankton; Crustacean; Larvae; Hydrology; Channel.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Long-term series in ichthyoplankton: Sole and sprat at French coast of the North Sea from 1975 to 1994 ArchiMer
Woehrling, Daniel; Le Fevre-lehoerff, Geneviève.
The sampling of eggs and larvae of sole and sprat at Gravelines (French part of the North Sea coast) since 1975 has produced a long-term series showing major interannual changes, Comparison of the results obtained on two species, one benthic and the other one pelagic, suggests some events affecting the environment that are also revealed by the holoplanktonic (appendicularia, chaetognatha) and meroplanktonic (cirripeda larvae) compartment. This Study attempts also to distinguish general variations from more closely species-related fluctuations.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Séries temporelles; Cycles; Sole; Ichtyoplancton; Temperature; Biological series; Cycles; Sole; Ichthyoplankton; Temperature.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Variabilité mensuelle du zooplancton et de l'ichtyoplancton dans le golfe deTunis OceanDocs
Zarrad, R.; El Abed, A.; Missaoui, H.; M’rabet, R.; Romdhane, M.S.; Jarboui, O..
Monthly variability of zooplankton and ichthyoplankton abundance and composition were studied in 6 stations in the Gulf of Tunis between February 2003 and January 2004. Plankton trawls were horizontal, in surface and at night. Study area seems to be influenced by climatic conditions and the outflow of Majreda River that affect the surface temperature and salinity. Copepods, with many abundance picks in the year, formed the most abundant group (84%) followed by cladocerans (8%) and chaetognaths (3%). The swarms of appendicularians, cladocerans and medusas then for zoe are in spring. The highest fish spawning periods was in summer then the highest larva abundance was in winter and summer.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Mesozooplankton; Variabilité mensuelle zooplancton; Ichtyoplancton; Golfe de Tunis Tunisia Tunis Gulf Ichthyoplankton Temporal variations Zooplankton Zooplankton
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Variations ontogéniques et spatio temporelles des écophases larvaires des poissons: évaluation de la condition nutritionnelle et détermination des périodes critiques ArchiMer
Di Pane, Julien.
As a deterministic factor in recruitment, the study of the survival success of fish larvae has since the work of Hjort (1914) become crucial to understanding variations in population dynamics. Nutrition and the consequences of larval starvation are now widely accepted as major sources of variability in survival, explaining that the number of offspring recruiting the adult population is not proportional to the spawning biomass. It is in this context that this thesis was written with the aim of identifying in situ the critical periods (i.e. high mortality stages) of the larval development, and defining the environmental conditions that are favourable to them using biochemical and histological condition indices. By carrying out several winter and spring...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ichtyoplancton; Manche est; Condition; Assemblages; Variations temporelles.; Chtyoplankton; Eastern English Channel; Condition; Assemblages; Temporal variations..
Ano: 2019 URL:
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