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Production and characterization of surface-active compounds from Gordonia amicalis 52
Jackisch-Matsuura,Ani Beatriz; Santos,Leonardo Silva; Eberlin,Marcos Nogueira; Faria,Andréia Fonseca de; Matsuura,Takeshi; Grossman,Matthew James; Durrant,Lucia Regina.
Two methods were used to make crude preparations of surface-active compounds (SACs) produced by Gordonia amicalis grown on the medium containing 1% diesel oil. Using a 2:1 (v/v) solution of chloroform:methanol for extraction, Type I SACs were isolated and shown to produce oil in water (O/W) emulsions. Type II SACs were isolated by precipitation with ammonium sulfate and produced predominantly water in oil emulsions (W/O). The crude Type I and II preparations were able to produce a significant reduction in the surface tension of water; however, the crude Type II preparation had 10-25 fold higher emulsification activity than the Type I preparation. Both SAC preparations were analyzed by the TLC and each produced two distinct bands with Rf 0.44 and 0.62 and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bioemulsifier; Bioremediation; Biosurfactant; Gordonia amicalis; Industrial chemicals; Microbial surfactant production.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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