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Development and silk production by silkworm larvae after topical application of methoprene 63
Miranda,José Ednilson; Bortoli,Sérgio Antonio de; Takahashi,Roque.
Juvenile hormone analogues have been tested as insect growth regulators in silkworm (Bombyx mori), seeking an increment of silk production. These chemical products, when applied in small or moderate rates, promote the extension of the last larval instar. To understand the physiologic consequences on silk production by the silkworm strain C115 x N108, the application of methoprene, a juvenile hormone analogue, was performed to evaluate its effects on larval development and silk production. Methoprene was topically applied 48h after the fourth larval ecdysis, on the dorsal integument of the 2nd thoracic segment of the insects, at seven rates between 0 and 20 ng a.i. Methoprene influenced positively the duration of the fifth instar and the weight gain of the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report Palavras-chave: Bombyx mori; JHA; Sericulture; Juvenile hormone.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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