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Forage mass and the nutritive value of pastures mixed with forage peanut and red clover 96
Azevedo Junior,Ricardo Lima de; Olivo,Clair Jorge; Bem,Cláudia Marques de; Aguirre,Priscila Flores; Quatrin,Mauricio Pase; Santos,Marciele Machado dos; Bratz,Vinicius Felipe; Horst,Tiago.
The objective of this research was to estimate three pasture-based systems mixed with elephantgrass + spontaneous growth species, annual ryegrass, for pasture-based system 1; elephantgrass + spontaneous growth species + forage peanut, for pasture-based system 2; and elephantgrass + spontaneous growth species + annual ryegrass + red clover, for pasture-based system 3. Elephantgrass was planted in rows 4 m apart from each other. During the cool-season, annual ryegrass was sown in the alleys between the rows of elephantgrass; forage peanut and red clover were sown in the alleys between the elephantgrass according to the respective treatment. The experimental design was totally randomized in the three treatments (pasture-based systems), two replicates...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Arachis pintoi; Lollium multiflorum; Pennisetum purpureum; Rotational grazing; Trifolium pratense.
Ano: 2012 URL:
Registros recuperados: 1
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