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Exploration des communautés virales thermophiles dans les écosystèmes chauds des Terres australes et antarctiques françaises 5
Parikka, Kaarle Joonas.
Viruses thrive in all types of ecosystems where life is found. They represent the most abundant biological entity of our biosphere. Though several studies have been conducted on viral abundance and dynamics in mesophilic aquatic ecosystems, these aspects remain largely unexplored in extremophilic environments, such as hot springs. In this study, prokaryotic and associated viral communities of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands hot springs were explored. First, prokaryotic cells and Virus-like particles (VLP) were enumerated in several terrestrial and inshore hot springs. The results reveal an abundance of 105 - 106 particles/ml in both types of hot springs studied. The virus-to-prokaryote ratios (VPR) were generally low, confirming thus actual...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bactérie; Archée; Induction virale; Lysogénie; Source chaude; Abondance; Bacteria; Archaea; Phage; Thermophile; Viral induction; Lysogeny; Hot spring; Abundance.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Bacterial-viral interactions in the sea surface microlayer of a black carbon-dominated tropical coastal ecosystem (Halong Bay, Vietnam) 5
Ram, Pradeep A. S.; Mari, X.; Brune, J.; Torreton, J. P.; Chu, V. T.; Raimbault, P.; Niggemann, J.; Sime-ngando, T..
Increasing human activity has raised concerns about the impact of deposition of anthropogenic combustion aerosols (i.e., black carbon; BC) on marine processes. The sea surface microlayer (SML) is a key gate for the introduction of atmospheric BC into the ocean; however, relatively little is known of the effects of BC on bacteria-virus interactions, which can strongly influence microbially mediated processes. To study the impact of BC on bacteria-virus interactions, field investigations involving collection from the SML and underlying water were carried out in Halong Bay (Vietnam). Most inorganic nutrient concentrations, as well as dissolved organic carbon, were modestly but significantly higher (p = 0.02-0.05) in the SML than in underlying water. The...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Black carbon; Virus-bacteria interaction; Viral lysis; Lysogeny; Sea surface microlayer; Tropical coastal ocean.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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