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Using EUNIS habitat classification for benthic mapping in European seas: Present concerns and future needs ArchiMer
Galparsoro, Ibon; Connor, David W.; Borja, Angel; Aish, Annabelle; Amorim, Patricia; Bajjouk, Touria; Chambers, Caroline; Coggan, Roger; Dirberg, Guillaume; Ellwood, Helen; Evans, Douglas; Goodin, Kathleen L.; Grehan, Anthony; Haldin, Jannica; Howell, Kerry; Jenkins, Chris; Michez, Noemie; Mo, Giulia; Buhl-mortensen, Pal; Pearce, Bryony; Populus, Jacques; Salomidi, Maria; Sanchez, Francisco; Serrano, Alberto; Shumchenia, Emily; Tempera, Fernando; Vasquez, Mickael.
The EUNIS (European Union Nature Information System) habitat classification system aims to provide a common European reference set of habitat types within a hierarchical classification, and to cover all terrestrial, freshwater and marine habitats of Europe. The classification facilitates reporting of habitat data in a comparable manner, for use in nature conservation (e.g. inventories, monitoring and assessments), habitat mapping and environmental management. For the marine environment the importance of a univocal habitat classification system is confirmed by the fact that many European initiatives, aimed at marine mapping, assessment and reporting, are increasingly using EUNIS habitat categories and respective codes. For this reason substantial efforts...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Habitat classification scheme; EUNIS; Marine habitats; Habitat mapping.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Benefits of swath mapping for the identification of marine habitats in the New Caledonia Economic Zone ArchiMer
Van De Beuque, Sabrina; Auzende, Jean-marie; Lafoy, Yves; Grandperrin, René.
The ZoNeCo programme is devoted to the evaluation of the marine resources of the Economic Zone of New Caledonia. The results are essentially dependent on the quality of the seafloor mapping. From 1993 to 1996, four geological and geophysical surveys using the EM12 DUAL multibeam echosounder provided swath-mapping and acoustic imagery data of the seafloor of selected sites on the northern and southern parts of the Norfolk ridge, the Loyalty basin, around the Loyalty islands and in the westernmost part of the Economic Zone of New Caledonia. The accuracy of these documents shows the morphology of the seafloor in detail and allows rocky substratum to be differentiated from muddy bottom. It allows favorable emplacements of future exploratory fishing surveys to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ressources marines; Habitats marins; Cartographie multifaisceaux; Nouvelle Calédonie; Sud Ouest Pacifique; Marine resources; Marine habitats; Swath mapping; New Caledonia; SW Pacific.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Foraging ecology during nesting influences body size in a pursuit-diving seabird ArchiMer
Paredes, Rosana; Orben, Rachael A.; Roby, Daniel D.; Irons, David B.; Young, Rebecca; Renner, Heather; Tremblay, Yann; Will, Alexis; Harding, Ann M. A.; Kitaysky, Alexander S..
Causes and consequences of differences in seabird foraging strategies between breeding colonies are not well understood. We tested whether body size of a pursuit-diving seabird, the thick-billed murre Uria lomvia, differs between breeding colonies and, if so, how size differences can be understood in the context of differences in foraging behavior, habitat use, and breeding performance. We measured adult murres over 3 seasons (2008 to 2010) at 2 of the Pribilof Islands, St. Paul and St. George, located on the continental shelf of the Bering Sea at different distances from the shelf break. Body mass and size were positively associated with deep diving and negatively associated with long flights, suggesting morphology influences foraging and commuting...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Body size; Foraging; Diving; Marine habitats; Stress levels; Bering Sea; Murres; Seabirds.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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