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Ecologie du système hôte - parasite, juvéniles G0 de sole (Solea solea) - métacercaires de Digènes : dynamique et effets de l'infestation ArchiMer
Durieux, Eric.
Coastal areas, such as shallow water bays and estuaries, serve as nurseries for juveniles of many marine fishes and especially flatfishes. Parasites play an important role in these marine ecosystems, but it remains poorly studied. Little attention has been paid to parasitism as a potential factor of variation in flatfish juveniles biological performances in these habitats. Sole juveniles, Solea solea (Pleuronectiformes, Soleidae), that is a species of primary importance for fisheries, are infected by digenean metacercariae. Thus, the aims of this PhD thesis were: i) to determine the spatio-temporal dynamics of the digenean metacercariae infection of 0-group sole juveniles at different scales; ii) to estimate the effects of this infection at different...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: North East Atlantic; Mussel farming; Biological tags; Behaviour; Condition indices; Growth; Immunity; Parasitism; Flatfish; Nurseries; Atlantique Nord Est; Mytiliculture; Marqueurs biologiques; Comportement; Indices de condition; Croissance; Immunité; Parasitisme; Pleuronectiformes; Nourriceries.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Influence of the trophic environment and metabolism on the dynamics of stable isotopes in the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas): modeling and experimental approaches ArchiMer
Emmery, Antoine.
Stable isotope analysis (SIA) contributed extensively to better understand the trophic functioning of marine coastal ecosystems. However, their ecological interpretations are limited by the lack of accurate modelling tools to describe the dynamics and the trophic fractionation of stable isotopes by organisms. The influence of the trophic resource and the metabolism on the dynamics of delta13C and delta15N in the soft tissues of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas has been investigated using experimental and modeling approaches. The results of the in situ survey in the Bay of Veys and the Bay of Brest showed that growth (whole soft body tissues and organs) and the trophic resource (diversity and quantity) have to be considered simultaneously to accurately...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Chaîne alimentaire; Isotope stable en écologie; Animaux métabolisme; Crassostrea gigas; Invertébrés marins; Marqueurs biologiques; Effet isotopique.
Ano: 2012 URL:
Registros recuperados: 2
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