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Key Role of Alphaproteobacteria and Cyanobacteria in the Formation of Stromatolites of Lake Dziani Dzaha (Mayotte, Western Indian Ocean) ArchiMer
Gerard, Emmanuelle; De Goeyse, Siham; Hugoni, Mylene; Agogue, Helene; Richard, Laurent; Milesi, Vincent; Guyot, Francois; Lecourt, Lena; Borensztajn, Stephan; Joseph, Marie-beatrice; Leclerc, Thomas; Sarazin, Gerard; Jezequel, Didier; Leboulanger, Christophe; Ader, Magali.
Lake Dziani Dzaha is a thalassohaline tropical crater lake located on the "Petite Terre" Island of Mayotte (Comoros archipelago, Western Indian Ocean). Stromatolites are actively growing in the shallow waters of the lake shores. These stromatolites are mainly composed of aragonite with lesser proportions of hydromagnesite, calcite, dolomite, and phyllosilicates. They are morphologically and texturally diverse ranging from tabular covered by a cauliflower-like crust to columnar ones with a smooth surface. High-throughput sequencing of bacterial and archaeal 16S rRNA genes combined with confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) analysis revealed that the microbial composition of the mats associated with the stromatolites was clearly distinct from that of the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Stromatolites; Alkaline lake; Pleurocapsales; Mg-silicate; Alphaproteobacteria; Anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria; Aragonite; Hydromagnesite.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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