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Gallerani, Vittorio; Gomez y Paloma, Sergio; Raggi, Meri; Viaggi, Davide.
The objective of this paper is to analyse farm strategies and investment behaviour in a sample of selected Italian farm-households facing different scenarios, with a particular focus on the effects of the 2003 CAP reform. Models were built for individual households using multi-criteria dynamic programming, including investment choice. A total of 24 farms were selected for modelling, all located in Emilia Romagna (Italy). The simulations show a strong effect of both policy and markets scenarios on household investment, though the latter seems more relevant than the former. However, decoupling itself shows minor effects in the majority of cases. The models offer useful insights about the mechanisms of adaptation and their implications for the effects of...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: CAP reform; Decoupling; Investment; Multicriteria; Dynamic; Models; Agricultural and Food Policy; Agricultural Finance; Farm Management.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Exploring natural resource management tradeoffs in an agricultural landscape - an application of the MOSAIC model. AgEcon
Lawson, Kenton; Hill, Christine M.; Hodges, Andrew; Jacobs, Brent.
We describe a landscape scale non-linear discrete choice spatial optimisation model for identifying cost-effective strategies for achieving environmental goals. Spatial heterogeneity and configuration issues such as fencing costs, patch sizes and network linkages are explicitly accounted for and quasi-optimal allocations are determined using simulated annealing. Applications of the model being developed with New South Wales Catchment Management Authorities are discussed. These focus on targeting investments in revegetation to control dryland salinity and erosion and provide biodiversity benefits whilst minimising direct and opportunity costs. We compare our approach with alternate investment approaches.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Natural resource management; Cost effectiveness; Land use change; Multicriteria; Spatial optimisation; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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