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New species of the family Triozidae (Homoptera: Psylloidea) from China, and the first record of Psylloidea as host of Braconidae (Hymenoptera) Naturalis
Li, F.; Achterberg, C. van; He, J..
Two new species of Triozidae (Psylloidea) from China producing sphere-shaped leaf galls on Ficus hainanensis Merr. & Shun., are illustrated and described. For the first time Psylloidea are reported as host of a species of Braconidae. The parasitoid belonging to the genus Bracon Fabricius, 1804, is illustrated and described as Bracon psyllivorus spec. nov.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Homoptera; Psylloidea; Triozidae; Pauropsylla; Bracon; Braconidae; Braconinae; New species; New host record; Ficus hainanensis; 42.75.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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First Case of Echinococcus multilocularis Infection in a Zoo-Housed Flying Squirrel (Pteromys volans orii) OAK
OIKAWA, Eri; SHIMURA, Ryoji; NISHIMURA, Maki; FURUOKA, Hidefumi; 古岡, 秀文.
A 33 month-old male flying squirrel kept in a zoo developed progressive dyspnea and died. Macroscopically, the liver and lung were enlarged with numerous nodular vesicles. Histologically, these organs were replaced by numerous collapsed vesicles demarcated by fibrous tissues. The cysts lined by a cellular, germinal layer contained numerous brood capsules with abundant production of well-developed protoscolices. Protoscolices were about 80–100 μm in diameter, and had hooks being visible as refractive structures. This zoo locates in the east of Hokkaido where is an endemic area of Echinococcus multilocularis infection. From epidemiology and pathological findings, this animal was diagnosed as E.multilocularis infection. This report describes the pathology of...
Palavras-chave: Echinococcus multilocularis; Flying squirrel; Hokkaido; New host record; Pathology.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Occurrence of Amblyomma longirostre in Ramphastos dicolorus in Southern Brazil Ciência Rural
Soares,João Fabio; Soares,Claudia Dal Molin; Gallio,Miguel; Silva,Aleksandro Schafer da; Moreira,Juliana Pereira; Barros-Battesti,Darci M; Monteiro,Silvia Gonzalez.
The species Amblyomma longirostre Koch, 1844 is poorly known in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Usually the adult stage could be found on Sphigurus spp. and the immatures on birds (Passeriformes). Although A. longirostre is distributed in the Neotropical region, from Panama to Uruguay, it also occurs in Central America and the United States. The aim of this study was to report that Ramphastos dicolorus Linnaeus 1766 is a new host record for this tick species.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Amblyomma longirostre; Ramphastos dicolorus; New host record.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Infestação de Amblyomma rotundatum (Koch) (Acari, Ixodidae) em sapos Bufo ictericus (Spix) (Amphibia, Bufonidae): novo registro de hospedeiro Zoologia
Woehl Jr.,Germano.
Bufo ictericus Spix, 1824 toad population (N = 125) foraging in lighted areas in the Corupá Municipality, Santa Catarina State, was surveyed to evaluate the prevalence (percentage of infestation) and the mean infestation intensity of Amblyomma rotundatum Koch, 1844 (Acari, Ixodidae) ticks. The prevalence was of 19.2% and the mean infestation intensity was 7.4 ticks per infested toad. For the first time B. ictericus as host of A. rotundatum is reported.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Amblyomma rotundatum; Ticks; Bufo ictericus; New host record.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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