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Response to the complete hepatitis B vaccine regimen in infants under 12 months of age: a case series BJID
Miralha,Alexandre Lopes; Malheiro,Adriana; Miranda,Angélica Espinosa; Rutherford,George Williams; Alecrim,Maria das Graças Costa.
OBJECTIVES: Describing rates of seroconversion and its associated factors in a series of Brazilian infants following the final dose of the vaccine at 6 months of age. METHODS: Peripheral blood samples were collected after the third dose of the vaccine for the detection of anti-hepatitis B surface antibodies among infants of 7-12 months of age. We measured the association between seroconversion and birthweight, gestational age, time since administration of the vaccine in the maternity hospital and whether or not testing for hepatitis B surface antigen had been performed during pregnancy. RESULTS: We examined 40 infants. The mean birthweight was 2787 g (standard deviation = 853 g) and mean gestational age was 37.5 (standard deviation = 3.08) weeks. The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Newborn infant; Prematurity; Hepatitis B vaccine; Seroconversion.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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