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Obstacles to Rural Residents' Consumption in China and the Countermeasures AgEcon
Huang, Yi.
On the basis of relevant statistical data, this paper analyzes the obstacles to rural residents' consumption in China as follows, the consumption structure is restricted critically; the consumption environment cannot meet the need of social development; the traditional consumption concept has not yet been changed; the social security system is not sound; the support of rural finance is short. Pointed countermeasures for eliminating the obstacles to rural residents' consumption are put forward as follows: first, adopt effective measures to elevate the level of farmers' income; second, strengthen the credit support of rural finance; third, quicken the pace of modernized development in rural areas; fourth, construct perfect rural social security system.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Rural residents; Consumption; Obstacles; Countermeasures; China; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Étude expérimentale de la turbulence dans les zones à forts courants et de son impact sur les hydroliennes ArchiMer
Ikhennicheu, Maria.
French waters have a strong potential for tidal turbines applications. In these areas of strong currents, intense velocity fluctuations are observed in the water column. They ultimately come from variations in seabed bathymetry and can have a strong impact on tidal turbine energy production and fatigue. In order to understand the turbulent structures generation in the wake of obstacles and to build a data base for future numerical studies, the Alderney Race conditions are reproduced experimentally, in a wave and current tank, in Froude similitude and with a Reynolds number as high as possible. In this study, real bathymetric variations are represented using canonical elements : a cube, a cylinder, an inclined plane or a combination of all three. Cases with...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Turbulence; Essais expérimentaux; Hydroliennes; Obstacles; Sillage; PIV; LDV; POD; Turbulence; Experimental trials; Tidal turbines; Obstacles; Wake; PIV; LDV; POD.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Nurturing Diversified Farming Systems in Industrialized Countries: How Public Policy Can Contribute Ecology and Society
Iles, Alastair ; ESPM, University of California, Berkeley;; Marsh, Robin; College of Natural Resources, University of California, Berkeley;
If diversified farming systems (DFS) are to thrive again in the United States, policies and preferences must evolve to reward the environmental and social benefits of sustainable farming and landscape management. Compared with conventional agricultural policies, policies aiding ecological diversification are underdeveloped and fragmented. We consider several examples of obstacles to the adoption and spread of diversified farming practices in the U.S. industrialized agricultural system. These include the broader political economic context of industrialized agriculture, the erosion of farmer knowledge and capacity, and supply chain and marketing conditions that limit the ability of farmers to adopt sustainable practices. To overcome these obstacles and...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Synthesis Palavras-chave: Conservation programs; Direct marketing; Diversified farming; Farmer knowledge; Obstacles; Public policy.
Ano: 2012
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The Analysis of Obstacles to Rural Microfinance Development in China AgEcon
Wu, Bao-cheng.
On the basis of presenting the terminology and classification of Rural Microfinance, this paper introduces the present situation of China's rural microfinance development and analyses the factors that hinder the highly efficient and sustainable development of rural microfinance in current China. These factors include the operational risk, the financial resource and the sustainability of development, the regulation issues, and the issue of financial supporting services. This paper also makes several suggestions concerning policy making: the government should vigorously promote innovations in systems and mechanisms as well as products, constantly improve financial supporting services, and put more emphasis on supervision and control, as well as policy support.
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Rural microfinance; Obstacles; Sustainable development; China; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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