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Current Situations and Countermeasures of Organic Tobacco Development AgEcon
Geng, Rui-mei; Li, Yan-dong; Chen, Xiu-zhai; Wen, Liang; Liu, Yong; Cao, Chang-dai; Luo, Cheng-gang.
Current situations of organic tobacco development at both home and abroad, indicating mat organic tobacco is one of the innovation directions for sustainable, healthy, environmental protection and low carbon development of modern tobacco industry. On the basis of foreign cultivation technical system for organic agriculture, the cultivation technical system for organic tobacco is summed up as follows: first, keep the diversity and continuity of space and time; second, ensure closeness of nutrient cycle; third, improve self-regulatory system and protection ability of crops. Then, the development trend of organic tobacco is analyzed and corresponding measures are put forward: establish production base and assessment system for organic tobacco; establish...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Organic tobacco; Current situations; Countermeasures; China; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2011 URL:
Registros recuperados: 1
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