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Spatial structure and scale-dependent microhabitat use of endemic "tapaculos" (Rhinocryptidae) in a temperate forest of southern South America Ecología austral
Amico,Guillermo C; García,Daniel; Rodríguez-Cabal,Mariano A.
Endemic tapaculo birds (Rhinocryptidae) are biological indicators of habitat degradation in the temperate forest of southern South America, but little is known about the physiognomical features that determine the use of space in natural habitats. We studied the spatial structure and the microhabitat use at different spatial scales of species of tapaculos in a well-conserved forest of NW Patagonia (Argentina). We recorded the abundance of tapaculos and forest characteristics along a 1500 m transect divided in 75, 20 x 20 m contiguous plots. We evaluated the spatial patchiness in abundance of birds by Moran's I correlograms. We disentangled the spatial variability of bird abundance at three different, progressively finer (broad, intermediate, fine), spatial...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Understory birds; PCNM; Pteroptochos tarnii; Scelorchilus rubecula; Spatial patchiness; Spatial scale.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Spatial organization of a sedimentary macrobenthic community located on the West African Equatorial margin ArchiMer
Brind'Amour, Anik; Menot, Lenaick; Galeron, Joelle; Crassous, Philippe.
Multiscale variability of a macrobenthic community inhabiting fine sediments on the West African Equatorial margin was assessed during three cruises as part of the BIOZAIRE research program. Spatial scales ranged from 15 to 550 m (within station) and from 1000 to 7000 m (between stations). Principal Coordinates of Neighbour Matrices (PCNM) allowed the detection of multiscale patterns of variability within a location, while a binary coding of the sampling stations was used at broad spatial scales. Significant patterns were observed at 170 and >4000 m. The two spatial scales displayed similar biotic responses, with the Scaphopoda and Bivalvia having patterns that were opposite to the Pholoidae. A spatio-temporal patchwork of environmental variables might...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Spatial distribution; PCNM; Multiscale analyses; Macrobenthic communities; Habitat patches; BIOZAIRE.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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