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Palinomorfos e partículas de carvões nos sedimentos holocênicos na região do alto rio Paraná e sua aplicação nas reconstruções paleoambientais e paleoclimáticas - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v30i4.5864 3
Medeanik, Svetlana; UFRGS; Stevaux, José Cândido; UEM.
Foram analisadas as amostras de dois perfis num horizonte de paleossolo da planície de inundação do rio Paraná, sendo processada uma datação pelo método 14C na profundidade de 1,95 m, atingindo idade de 1.700 ± 70 anos AP. Foram avaliados pólen e esporos de plantas terrestres juntamente com as partículas de carvão. Dois estágios, no desenvolvimento paleoambiental, foram estabelecidos com respeito ao desenvolvimento da vegetação. Um estágio mais antigo é caracterizado pela distribuição limitada das florestas ripárias e predomínio de campo nas condições de clima mais seco. Quantidade notável de partículas de carvão encontradas nas amostras deste estágio sugere ocorrência de queimadas locais ou regionais durante um clima seco. No estágio mais novo, a expansão...
Palavras-chave: Palinologia; Partículas de carvão; Paleoambiente; Impacto antrópico; Rio Paraná. palynology; Charcoal; Palaeoenvironment; Anthropogenic impact; Paraná river.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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The end of the Last Glacial Maximum in the Iberian Peninsula characterized by the small-mammal assemblages 5
Banuls-cardona, S.; Lopez-garcia, J. M.; Blain, H. -a.; Lozano-fernandez, I.; Cuenca-bescos, G..
This paper presents a palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic approach to the end of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) in the Iberian Peninsula on the basis of the small-mammal assemblages (insectivores, bats and rodents). The LGM is an important period in our climate history defined by the maximum extension of ice sheets between ca. 22 and 19 ka BP. In the Mediterranean region the LGM is characterized by humid conditions, which allow for the development of arboreal vegetation. The small-mammal remains described in this study were recovered from four different sites within the Iberian Peninsula: El Miron cave (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria), Valdavara-1 (Becerrea, Lugo), El Portalon (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos), and Sala de las Chimeneas (Maltravieso,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Microvertebrate; Palaeoenvironment; Palaeoclimate; LGM; Late Pleistocene.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Tephrochronology and the extended intimate (integration of ice-core, marine and terrestrial records) event stratigraphy 8-128 ka b2k 5
Blockley, Simon P. E.; Bourne, Anna J.; Brauer, Achim; Davies, Siwan M.; Hardiman, Mark; Harding, Poppy R.; Lane, Christine S.; Macleod, Alison; Matthews, Ian P.; Pyne-o'Donnell, Sean D. F.; Rasmussen, Sune O.; Wulf, Sabine; Zanchetta, Giovanni.
The comparison of palaeoclimate records on their own independent timescales is central to the work of the INTIMATE (INTegrating Ice core, MArine and TErrestrial records) network. For the North Atlantic region, an event stratigraphy has been established from the high-precision Greenland ice-core records and the integrated GICCO5 chronology. This stratotype provides a palaeoclimate signal to which the timing and nature of palaeoenvironmental change recorded in marine and terrestrial archives can be compared. To facilitate this wider comparison, without assuming synchroneity of climatic change/proxy response, INTIMATE has also focussed on the development of tools to achieve this. In particular the use of time-parallel marker horizons e.g. tephra layers...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Event-stratigraphy; Tephrochronology; INTIMATE; Greenland ice cores; Palaeoenvironment; Palaeoclimate.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Can molluscan assemblages give insights into Holocene environmental changes other than sea level rise? A case study from a macrotidal bay (Marennes-Oleron, France) 5
Poirier, Clement; Sauriau, Pierre-guy; Chaumillon, Eric; Allard, Jonathan.
During the Late Holocene, the rate of sea level rise decreased and climate changes, hydrodynamic processes or anthropogenic impacts became predominant parameters governing the sedimentary infill of estuarine environments. The aim of this study is to describe the response of past benthic mollusc communities to these forcing factors. Mollusc skeletal remains were sampled from three 8000, 5500 and 2600 year-long sedimentary records in the Marennes-Oleron Bay (Atlantic Coast, France), where environmental changes have previously been identified thanks to a combination of very high resolution seismic profiles and sedimentological data. Molluscan assemblages successfully record environmental changes, even at the smallest temporal scale. They provide relevant...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Atlantic Coast; Sediment core; Palaeoenvironment; Death assemblage; Macrofauna.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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[Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Mesozoic and Cenozoic Decapod Crustaceans, Krakow, Poland, 2013: A tribute to Pál Mihály Müller / R.H.B. Fraaije, M. Hyžný, J.W.M. Jagt, M. Krobicki & B.W.M. van Bakel (eds.)]: Neozanthopsis americana (Decapoda, Brachyura, Carpilioidea) from the Middle Eocene Cane River Formation of Louisiana, USA, and associated teleost otoliths 16
Schweitzer, C.E.; Feldmann, R.M.; Stringer, G.L..
A large collection of Neozanthopsis americana (Rathbun, 1928) from the Middle Eocene (Lutetian) Cane River Formation in Louisiana, USA, represents the first opportunity to describe the species in detail. Detailed analysis of associated teleost otoliths and other vertebrate remains documents a palaeoenvironmental setting characterised by a soft-sediment, inner-shelf setting with normal salinity under tropical or subtropical conditions. Anatomical and morphometric analysis of 21 of the better-preserved crabs demonstrates that gender discrimination cannot be made from dorsal carapace characteristics and that the sample represents post-juvenile individuals. Exocuticle and endocuticle are preserved on some specimens and document the presence of erect...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Crabs; Paleogene; Lutetian; Bony fish; Palaeoenvironment; Taphonomy; 42.74; 38.22.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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