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Methane emission from a flooded rice field under pre-germinated system Ciência Rural
Lima,Magda Aparecida de; Vieira,Rosana Faria; Frighetto,Rosa Toyoko Shiraishi; Luiz,Alfredo José Barreto; Villela,Omar Vieira.
ABSTRACT: Local greenhouse gas flow measurement studies have been encouraged at a global level as a subsidy for national and state inventories. This study aimed to evaluate the seasonal methane emission during the 2008/2009 harvest, from an irrigated rice plantation, under pre-germinated system, in the municipality of Tremembé, State of São Paulo, using the static chamber technique and gas chromatography. The study showed high seasonal emission of methane (CH4) for the studied area, probably due to the long flooding period. It was estimated the CH4 emission factor (6.51 kg CH4 ha-1 dia-1), the partial global warming potential (pGWP, 27.2 Mg CO2eq growing season-1 ha-1) and the yield-scaled pGWP (YpGWP, 3.9 kg CO2eq kg-1 grain).
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Flooded rice; Pre-germinated system; Methane.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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