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Weight of preterm newborns during the first twelve weeks of life BJMBR
Anchieta,L.M.; Xavier,C.C.; Colosimo,E.A.; Souza,M.F..
A longitudinal and prospective study was carried out at two state-operated maternity hospitals in Belo Horizonte during 1996 in order to assess the weight of preterm appropriate-for-gestational-age newborns during the first twelve weeks of life. Two hundred and sixty appropriate-for-gestational-age preterm infants with birth weight <2500 g were evaluated weekly. The infants were divided into groups based on birth weight at 250-g intervals. Using weight means, somatic growth curves were constructed and adjusted to Count's model. Absolute (g/day) and relative (g kg-1 day-1) velocity curves were obtained from a derivative of this model. The growth curve was characterized by weight loss during the 1st week (4-6 days) ranging from 5.9 to 13.3% (the greater...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Premature infants; Growth curves; Growth velocity.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Plasma amino acids in pregnancy, placental intervillous space and preterm newborn infants BJMBR
Camelo Jr.,J.S.; Martinez,F.E.; Gonçalves,A.L.; Monteiro,J.P.; Jorge,S.M..
Plasma amino acid levels have never been studied in the placental intervillous space of preterm gestations. Our objective was to determine the possible relationship between plasma amino acids of maternal venous blood (M), of the placental intervillous space (PIVS) and of the umbilical vein (UV) of preterm newborn infants. Plasma amino acid levels were analyzed by ion-exchange chromatography in M from 14 parturients and in the PIVS and UV of their preterm newborn infants. Mean gestational age was 34 ± 2 weeks, weight = 1827 ± 510 g, and all newborns were considered adequate for gestational age. The mean Apgar score was 8 and 9 at the first and fifth minutes. Plasma amino acid values were significantly lower in M than in PIVS (166%), except for aminobutyric...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Amino acid analysis; Placenta; Umbilical cord; Intervillous space; Maternal venous blood; Premature infants.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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