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A rapid method for measuring soil water content in the field with a areometer Scientia Agricola
Calbo,Adonai Gimenez.
The availability of a rapid method to evaluate the soil water content (U) can be an important tool to determine the moment to irrigate. The soil areometer consists of an elongated hydrostatic balance with a weighing pan, a graduated neck, a float and a pynometric flask. In this work an areometer was adapted to rapidly measure soil water content without the need of drying the soil. The expression U = (M A - M AD)/(M M -M A) was used to calculate the soil water content. In this equation M M is the mass to level the areometer with the pycnometric flask filled with water, M A the mass to level the areometer with a mass M M of soil in the pycnometer, the volume being completed with water, and similarly M AD the mass added to the pan to level the areometer with...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report Palavras-chave: Hydrostatic balance; Irrigation moment; Pycnometer; Soil humidity.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Recommended flax fibre density values for composite property predictions ArchiMer
Le Gall, Maelenn; Davies, Peter; Martin, Nicolas; Baley, Christophe.
Density is one of the fundamental properties of fibres which reinforce polymer matrix composites, and is used both to estimate composite weight and to evaluate fibre content for property predictions. For traditional composites, reinforced by glass or carbon fibres, unique density values are well known for a particular fibre grade and provide reliable fibre content estimations and composite property predictions. However, this is not the case for natural fibres. This paper first reviews published density values for flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) fibres and describes the limitations of techniques used to measure fibre density. Significant variations in published densities are found, which can be related to the measurement method. New data quantify the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Density; Flax; Archimedes; Pycnometer; Volume fraction; Tensile modulus.
Ano: 2018 URL:
Registros recuperados: 2
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