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Enhancing food and livelihood security in the context of the food and financial crisis: challenges and opportunities for small scale rainwater harvesting and conservation AgEcon
Baiphethi, Mompati N.; Viljoen, Machiel F.; Kundhlande, Godfrey; Ralehlolo, N.G..
The world recently experienced the food and financial crisis. The food crisis was an indicator of the challenges towards sufficiently feeding an increasing world population. Food production through rainfed and irrigated agriculture account for the bulk of the freshwater used globally but the water is still sufficient to meet the MDG goal on hunger reduction. Agricultural water management is thus an important challenge for feeding humanity; creates the need to find sustainable methods of managing water that will include all water users. Some of these methods include rainwater harvesting which has great potential in increasing food production as compared to irrigation. This paper aims to identify challenges and opportunities for small scale rainwater...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Food security; Livelihoods; Rainwater harvesting; Household; Yield; Food Security and Poverty; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Modelo multi-criterio para la toma de decisiones en el uso de agua de lluvia: El caso de los pobladores de Angostillo, Paso de Ovejas, Veracruz, México. Colegio de Postgraduados
Benítez Hernández, Javier Antonio.
El presente trabajo se llevó acabo en la localidad de Angostillo, Veracruz, México, donde las fuentes de abastecimiento de agua son de dudosa calidad y con insuficiencias que restringen el desarrollo rural. El objetivo es evaluar el agua de lluvia como fuente de abastecimiento convencional desde un enfoque sistémico estudiando aspectos sociales, técnicos, económicos, ambientales y normativos; la precipitación se concentra en los meses de julio-agosto (700-100 mm) la cual puede ser aprovechada para subsanar la escasez de los 8 meses restantes de periodo seco. El resultado fue un modelo multi-criterio que evidencia las ventajas y oportunidades de la lluvia en términos de calidad, cantidad, la legalidad, la infraestructura necesaria, la vulnerabilidad, la...
Palavras-chave: Captación de agua de lluvia; Multi-criterio; Toma de decisiones; Rainwater harvesting; Multi-criteria; Decision making; Agroecosistemas Tropicales; Maestría.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Rainwater harvesting knowledge and practice for agricultural production in a changing climate: A review from Uganda’s perspective CIGR Journal
Kiggundu, Nicholas; Wanyama, Joshua; Mfitumukiz, David; Twinomuhangi, Revocatus; Barasa, Bernard; Katimbo, Abia; Kyazze, Florence.
With a changing climate in Uganda, rainfall distribution patterns have become more irregular over time and space. Excess water during rainy season is causing runoff, soil erosion, nutrient depletion and crop damage which reduce the productive capacity of land, while on the other hand, prolonged droughts during the crop growing period have become common occurrences. Additionally, pastoralists lose livestock during the dry period each year in the Cattle Corridor of Uganda due to water shortage and lack of forage. It thus remains difficult to achieve the agricultural development targets identified in the National Development Plan for Uganda, without addressing regular incidences of adverse impacts of climate change. Currently there are no well explained...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Rainwater harvesting; Agricultural production; Changing climate Rainwater harvesting Smallholder Pastoralists Climate Change adaptation Food Security Crop Production Livestock Production.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Cost Effectiveness of Rainwater Harvesting for Groundwater Recharge in Micro-Watersheds of Kolar District of India: The Case Study of Thotli Micro-Watershed AgEcon
Nagaraj, N.; Pradhani, Umesh; Chengappa, P.G.; Basavaraj, G.; Kanwar, Ramesh S..
This study has estimated the supply augmentation of groundwater recharge due to creation of water harvesting structures and has assessed the cost-effectiveness of rainwater harvesting for groundwater recharge on watershed basis in one of the sub-watersheds of the Kolar district, Peninsular India — a typically hard-rock area. The study is based on the primary data for the year 2008-09 collected from a sample of 90 farmers having irrigation bore-wells in the selected watershed named Thotli. The study has indicated that the annual draft of irrigation water exceeds the annual recharge, causing a negative balance. On an average, the returns per rupee investment have been found to be ` 1.80 on farm pond, ` 1.78 on recharge pit and ` 1.39 on field bund. The cost...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Rainwater harvesting; Economic feasibility; Groundwater recharge; Watershed; Agricultural and Food Policy; Q15; Q25.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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