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Guide to oceanographic and marine meteorological instruments and observing practices 20
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Oceanography; Marine technology; Meteorological instruments; Meteorological data; Meteorological observations; Oceanographic equipment; Oceanographic surveys; Sea surface; Temperature measurement; Salinity measuring equipment; Bathythermographs; Thermometers; Wave measuring equipment; Wave measurement; Wind measurement; Wind measuring equipment; Swell; Atmospheric pressure; Water colour; Water transparency; Meteorological instruments; Meteorological observations; Thermometers; Atmospheric pressure; Meteorological data; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1975 URL:
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Guide to operational procedures for the collection and exchange of oceanographic data (bathy and tesac) 20
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Oceanography; Data acquisition; Data storage; Data transmission; Data processing; Quality control; Salinity data; Salinity measurement; Salinity measuring equipment; Surface currents; Surface salinity; Surface temperature; Data acquisition; Data storage; Data processing; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1982 URL:
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Guide to operational procedures for the collection and exchange of oceanographic data (bathy and tesac) 20
All nations are profoundly influenced by the world oceans in many ways - some direct and obvious, others indirect and more subtle. Even those countries without ocean coastline feel the influence of the ocean, for example, as it affects world-wide weather and climate and In the availability of foreign goods and access to distant markets. Some influences of the ocean are benefitial; others may be detrimental to human activities ; most are beyond our ability to control, except in very limited ways, but, forewarned with a knowledge of the state of the ocean and even a limited prediction of future trends, it may often be possible to maximize the beneficial effects and to avoid or guard effectively against those which could be detrimental. The Integrated Global...
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Oceanography; Current measurement; Current data; Current measuring equipment; Salinity; Salinity data; Salinity measuring equipment; Salinity measurement; Temperature data; Temperature measurement; Temperature gradients; Subsurface currents; Subsurface water; Surface salinity; Surface temperature; Salinity; Subsurface water; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1984 URL:
Registros recuperados: 3
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