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IOC/GLOSS-GOOS: Training Workshop on Sea-Level Data Analysis. South Africa 16-27 Nov 1998 OceanDocs
The main body of the Workshop was devoted to fromal presentations, discussions and hands-on training in sea-level measurements and analysis. In addition, two days of field excursions were undertaken, and a programme of social events took place; The detail of the Workshop Programme can be found in Annex I, whilst a list of course facilities and reference materials can be found in Annex III
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Data analysis; Sea level data.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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IOTWS Sea Level Station Network, October 2014: kml file. OceanDocs
The Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (IOTWS) Sea Level Network database contains sea level gauges and deep ocean tsunameters that are located within the India Ocean region. The database is intended to include all near real-time sea level stations and tsunameters in the Indian Ocean region with freely available data. The database was compiled by extracting all sea level stations from GLOSS, the IOC Sea Level Station Monitoring Facility, NOAA’s National Data Buoy Center, and the Member State national reports submitted to the ICG/IOTWS-IX meeting (Jakarta, November 2012). The data has been checked for accuracy and completeness via consultation with national and global network operators. It is intended that Member States will provide...
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: Sea level data.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Towards a global higher-frequency sea level dataset ArchiMer
Woodworth, P. L.; Hunter, J. R.; Marcos, M.; Caldwell, P.; Menendez, M.; Haigh, I..
This paper describes the assembly of an updated quasi-global dataset of higher-frequency sea level information obtained from tide gauges operated by many agencies around the world. We believe that the construction of such a dataset is fundamental to scientific research in sea level variability and also to practical aspects of coastal engineering. A first version of the dataset was used in approximately a dozen published studies, and this second version is about twice the size, containing longer and more geographically representative sea level records. The dataset has acquired a digital object identifier and may be obtained from several sources. The paper mentions some of the merits of and deficiencies with the present version and takes a forward look at...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Tide gauges; Sea level data; International data centres.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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