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Viability and fertility of cooled equine semen diluted with skimmed milk or glycine egg yolk-based extenders 96
Pugliesi,Guilherme; Carvalho,Giovanni Ribeiro de; Rates,Daniel Macêdo; Ker,Pedro Gama; Matta,Manuela Pereira da; Oliveira,Renan Reis de; Silva Filho,José Monteiro da.
Two semen extenders were compared for their ability to maintain viability of horse semen during 24 hours of cold preservation, and for the pregnancy rate after artificial insemination. In the experiment 1, five ejaculates from three stallions were split-diluted in either a skimmed milk-based extender (Kenney extender) or a glycine egg yolk-based extender (Foote extender) and cooled at 6-8 ºC for 24 hours. Semen samples stored in Kenney extender for 24 hours had higher motility and spermatic vigor compared with those stored in Foote extender. However, samples stored in Foote extender had higher number of reactive sperm by hypoosmotic test and greater viability by epifluorescence test compared with those in Kenney extender. In the experiment 2, 17 and 23...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Artificial insemination; Cooling; Semen extender; Stallion.
Ano: 2012 URL:
Registros recuperados: 1
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