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Transmission of visceral leishmaniasis in dogs in a risk area of the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Lopes,E.G.P.; Oviedo-Pastrana,M.E.; Borges,L.F.N.M.; Freitas,A.C.P.; Dias,E.S.; Silva,S.R.; Haddad,J.P.A.; França-Silva,J.C.; Soares,D.F.M..
ABSTRACT Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) has spread rapidly across cities in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte. The aim of this study was to investigate VL dynamics in a prospective cohort study of dogs in Juatuba, between 2010 and 2011, to confirm the incidence of Leishmania infantum, and to assess possible risk factors associated with infection. An observational and prospective closed cohort study was performed using serology testing in dogs, randomly selected from the whole municipality. All seronegative dogs, or dogs with inconclusive results were monitored using indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) at 6-month intervals. The dog's owners completed a semi-structured questionnaire to assess possible causal factors of seroconversion, and the responses...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Leishmaniasis; Incidence; Seroconversion; Risk factors; Cluster.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Response to the complete hepatitis B vaccine regimen in infants under 12 months of age: a case series BJID
Miralha,Alexandre Lopes; Malheiro,Adriana; Miranda,Angélica Espinosa; Rutherford,George Williams; Alecrim,Maria das Graças Costa.
OBJECTIVES: Describing rates of seroconversion and its associated factors in a series of Brazilian infants following the final dose of the vaccine at 6 months of age. METHODS: Peripheral blood samples were collected after the third dose of the vaccine for the detection of anti-hepatitis B surface antibodies among infants of 7-12 months of age. We measured the association between seroconversion and birthweight, gestational age, time since administration of the vaccine in the maternity hospital and whether or not testing for hepatitis B surface antigen had been performed during pregnancy. RESULTS: We examined 40 infants. The mean birthweight was 2787 g (standard deviation = 853 g) and mean gestational age was 37.5 (standard deviation = 3.08) weeks. The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Newborn infant; Prematurity; Hepatitis B vaccine; Seroconversion.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Can vaccines against canine visceral leishmaniasis interfere with the serological diagnostics recommended by the Brazilian Ministry of Health? Ciência Rural
Campos,Monique Paiva de; Luca,Paula Mello De; Renzetti,Alinne Rangel dos Santos; Souza,Sara Maria Marques de; Mendes Júnior,Artur Augusto Velho; Barros,Renata Simões; Figueiredo,Fabiano Borges.
ABSTRACT: The objective of the current research was to assess seroconversion in dogs immunized with Leishmune® and Leish Tec® vaccines using rapid chromatographic immunoassay DPP® (Dual Path Platform) (DPP CVL) and enzyme immunoassay (EIE) up to one year after the vaccination protocol. The study sample comprised 28 dogs divided into two groups, each group immunized with an anti-CVL vaccine and clinically monitored for one year through clinical evaluation and laboratory tests. 22 (78.5%) dog were monitored. During the evaluation time (T1-30 days, T2-6 months, and T3-1 year after vaccination) the results for all dogs were negative for CVL, except for one animal vaccinated with Leish tec® that seroconverted in the DPP CVL test at T2. Subsequent examinations...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Canine visceral leishmaniasis; Vaccine; Diagnosis; Seroconversion.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Rojas,José Alfonso Barajas-; Riemann,Hans; Franti,Charles.
A herd of Cattle (Holstein-Zebu crosses) was screened bimonthly for two years by ELISA for IgG antibodies to infectious disease agents. The herd was composed of 3 age groups: Young animals ( < 4 months of age), developing animals (4-36 months of age) and producing animals ( &gt; 36 months of age). Ali young animals received colostrum within two hours after birth. The overall consistency of ELISA results, i. e agreement between two consecutive tests was about the same for the three age groups and was lowest for infections of intermediate prevalence (40-50%). The interpretation of changes in seroprevalence is most straight forward for young animals. Young animals positive at their first test reflect the immune status of their mothers while young...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: ELISA; Seroconversion; Young; Sentinels; Infectious diseases.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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