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Detection of Leishmania infantum in the smegma of infected dogs Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Silva,L.C.; Assis,V.P.; Ribeiro,V.M.; Tafuri,W.L.; Toledo Júnior,J.C.; Silva,S.O.; Melo,M.N.; Rachid,M.A.; Valle,G.R..
Considering the venereal transmission of visceral leishmaniasis from dogs to bitches, the aim of this study was to verify if the penile surface and smegma from infected dogs can be the source of parasites in bitches. Twelve Leishmania infantum infected dogs had semen and smegma samples collected for submission to PCR identification of the DNA of the parasite. Semen (41.7%) and smegma (50.0%) have similar positive incidence (P>0.05; Fisher's exact test), with 58.3% of the dogs positive for semen and/or smegma samples. The proportion of positivity for both semen and smegma was 33.3%, but 8.3% was positive only for semen, and 16.7% only for smegma, revealing a moderate agreement between tests (K=0.5; Kappa index). It was concluded that Leishmania infantum...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Leishmania infantum; Dog; Prepuce; Smegma; Semen.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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