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Using fluid bed granulation to improve the dissolution of poorly water-soluble drugs BABT
Takahashi,Andrea Ikeda; Lourenço,Felipe Rebello; Duque,Marcelo Dutra; Consiglieri,Vladi Olga; Ferraz,Humberto Gomes.
In this study, fluid bed granulation was applied to improve the dissolution of nimodipine and spironolactone, two very poorly water-soluble drugs. Granules were obtained with different amounts of sodium dodecyl sulfate and croscarmellose sodium and then compressed into tablets. The dissolution behavior of the tablets was studied by comparing their dissolution profiles and dissolution efficiency with those obtained from physical mixtures of the drug and excipients subjected to similar conditions. Statistical analysis of the results demonstrated that the fluid bed granulation process improves the dissolution efficiency of both nimodipine and spironolactone tablets. The addition of either the surfactant or the disintegrant employed in the study proved to have...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fluid bed; Granulation; Dissolution efficiency; Nimodipine; Spironolactone.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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