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Water mass analysis of the Coral Sea through an Optimum Multiparameter method ArchiMer
Gasparin, Florent; Maes, Christophe; Sudre, Joel; Garcon, Veronique; Ganachaud, Alexandre.
A water mass analysis of the Coral Sea thermocline waters provides a description of their distribution, pathways and mixture based on recent oceanographic cruises in this region of strong western boundary currents. The Optimum Multiparameter method is used to determine the relative contribution of core water masses based on their measured temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen. The thermocline waters, carried by the broad South Equatorial Current (SEC), are essentially composed of four core water masses of different origins. Coming from the south, the South Pacic Tropical Water South (SPTWS, σ=25.3 kg.m−3) and the Western South Pa-cic Central Water (WSPCW, σ=26.3 kg.m−3) enter the Coral Sea by the channel between the island of New Caledonia and the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Thermocline water masses; Optimal Multiparameter analysis; Southwest Pacific Ocean; Western boundary current.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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