Nakashima, Yoshitaka; Uefune, Masayoshi; Tagashira, Eiko; Maeda, Seiko; Shima, Katsuya; Nagai, Kazuya; Hirose, Yoshimi; Takagi, Masami. |
Cage trials of an anthocorid predator, Wollastoniella rotunda Yasunaga et Miyamoto, as a biological control agent of Thrips palmi Karny were conducted in Fukuoka, Japan, under winter greenhouse production conditions. Females of W. rotunda were released on caged eggplants, and placed in two greenhouses on 27 October. The development, population growth, and effectiveness of W. rotunda were observed until early March. Results from the cage trials showed that W. rotunda successfully developed, reproduced, and suppressed T. palmi populations under the conditions found in winter greenhouses. During the experiment, one full generation and a second generation of adult predators occurred. The T. palmi population which was exposed to predators remained at a low... |
Palavras-chave: Reproductive diapause; Photoperiod; Development; Winter; Wollastoniella rotunda; Orius; Biological control; Thrips palmi; Solanum melongena; Dicyphus tamaninii; Frankliniella occidentalis; Piocoris varius. |
Ano: 2004 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/808 |
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Leite,Germano Leão Demolin; Picanço,Marcelo; Zanuncio,José Cola; Ecole,Carvalho Carlos. |
The objective of this study was to evaluate effects of total rainfall, mean temperature, natural enemies, chemical composition of leaves, levels of nitrogen and potassium on leaves and density of leaf trichomes on attack intensity of Thrips palmi Karny (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) and Aphis gossypii (Glover) (Homoptera: Aphididae) on plantations of the eggplant (Solanum melongena) in two regions of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Higher numbers of A. gossypii/leaf and T. palmi/leaf were observed in plantations of this eggplant in the Municipalities of Viçosa and Guidoval, respectively. Guidoval had a rainy and hotter weather than Viçosa. T. palmi was almost positivelly correlated with rainfall (r= 0.49, P= 0.0538) while A. gossypii seemed to be more affected by mean... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Aphis gossypii; Natural enemies; Plant nutrition; Solanum melongena; Thrips palmi. |
Ano: 2006 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1516-89132006000400002 |
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Rodríguez,H; Ramos,Mayra; Surís,Moraima. |
Con el propósito de determinar la importancia de los ácaros depredadores en la regulación de las poblaciones de Thrips palmi, se realizó un total de 95 muestreos, en 23 cultivos diferentes, en el período comprendido entre mayo/1997 y diciembre/2000, en las provincias La Habana y Ciudad de La Habana. En todos los casos se extrajeron 25 hojas, preferentemente que presentaran daños de trips o 10 flores, si eran plantas ornamentales. Se determinó la riqueza de especies de los ácaros depredadores. En el cultivo de la papa (Solanum tuberosum), se compararon dos campos localizados en los municipios de San José de las Lajas y Güira de Melena, a través de índices ecológicos. Se realizaron, además, otras observaciones cualitativas y cuantitativas a nivel de campo y... |
Tipo: Journal article |
Palavras-chave: Thrips palmi; Phytoseiidae; Control biológico; Actividad. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1010-27522007000200004 |
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Barba,Anovel; Suris,Moraima. |
La investigación tuvo como objetivo identificar especies de arvenses en el cultivo de la sandía, asociadas a Thrips palmi Karny, en la región de Azuero, Panamá. Esta especie se encontró asociada a las siguientes especies de arvenses: Baltimora recta L. (Asteraceae), Bidens pilosa L., Melampodium divaricatum (Rich.) DC, Amaranthus viridis L. (Amaranthaceae), Amaranthus spinosus L. y Lantana camara L. (Verbenaceae), así como a tres cultivares: Capsicum frutesnces L., Capsicum annuum L. y Solanum melongena L. encontrados en la vegetación ruderal de colindancia al cultivo de sandía. |
Tipo: Journal article |
Palavras-chave: Arvenses; Thrips palmi; Vegetación ruderal. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1010-27522015000300002 |
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Bacci,Leandro; Picanço,Marcelo C.; Moura,Marcelo F.; Semeão,Altair A.; Fernandes,Flávio L.; Morais,Elisangela G.F.. |
This work determines the best technique, sampling unit and the number of samples to compose a sampling plan for Frankliniella schultzei (Trybom) and Thrips palmi (Karny) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on cucumber. The efficacy of three sampling techniques: leaf beating on a plastic tray, direct counting of insects on the lower leaf surface, and whole leaf collection in bags were compared in nine commercial cucumber crops using three sampling units (a leaf from a branch located in the apical, median or basal third of the canopy). The number of samples was determined based on the relative variance and the economic precision for the best technique and sampling unit. The direct counting of insects on the apical third of the plant canopy was the best sampling... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Cucumis sativus; Frankliniella schultzei; Thrips palmi; Decision-making; Negative binomial distribution. |
Ano: 2008 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1519-566X2008000500014 |
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上船, 雅義; 仲島, 義貴; 田頭, 栄子; 永井, 一哉; 広瀬, 義躬; 高木, 正見; Uefune, Masayoshi; Nakashima, Yoshitaka; Tagashira, Eiko; Nagai, Kazuya; Hirose, Yoshimi; Takagi, Masami. |
ヒメジンガサハナカメムシの発育と繁殖に対するミナミキイロアザミウマとカンザワハダニの餌の適合性を明らかにするため,それぞれの餌種を与えた場合の本種幼虫の生存率と発育期間,雌成虫の寿命と産卵数を比較した.ミナミキイロ1齢幼虫や2齢幼虫を与えた場合,本種1齢幼虫は発育できたが,ミナミキイロ雌成虫を与えた場合,ほとんど発育できなかった.一方,カンザワハダニは苦虫だけでなく雌成虫を餌として発育可能で,本種1齢幼虫の好適な餌であった.加齢にともない餌の違いが及ぼす影響は小さくなり,ヒメジンガサハナカメムシ5齢幼虫の生存率と発育期間,雌成虫の寿命と産卵数は,餌の種類の違いによる影響は受けなかった.従って,カンザワハダニもミナミキイロと同様にヒメジンガサの発育や繁殖に対して餌適合性が高いと考えられ,ヒメジンガサはこれら2種の害虫に対する天敵資材としての利用可能性があることが示唆された. Effects of the prey species Thrips palmi and Tetranychus kanzawai and their stages on the development and reproduction of the anthocorid predator, Wollastoniella rotunda, were investigated under laboratory conditions. When offered first or second instar larvae of T. palmi, first instar nymphs of W. rotunda developed into second instars; however, when offered adult T.... |
Palavras-chave: Wollastoniella rotunda; Thrips palmi; Tetranychus kanzawai; Prey suitability; Biological control. |
Ano: 2008 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/2585 |
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