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TAO par syntaxeur parallele 5
Diaz, C.
In remote control, the master element which the user operates looks for practical and historical reasons like the slave arm and therefore features a series architecture, with a few drawbacks in terms of mass, dimensions, rigidity and mechanical complexity. To remedy these defects, we are now introducing a new master element with parallel kinematics. This syntactor, derived from Steward's manipulators, has six degrees of freedom and comprises six motor-driven links arranged on a fixed plate (the base) and a moving plate on which a 6-axis force transducer and a handle are mounted. The device is made artificially free along a few or all axes by means of a hybrid position/force control software which translates the wrench of forces applied by the operator on...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Transducers; Manipulators; Robots; Marine technology; Kinematics.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Manual on Sea Level Measurement and Interpretation 20
This manual is concerned primarily with techniques for the measurement of what are called relative sea level changes which means changes relative to the level of the land upon which the measuring instrument (the tide gauge) is located. The subject of changes in the level of land itself is reviewed later in this document but is given more detailed presentation in other reports to which we refer. The manual also concerns itself primarily with the part of the frequency spectrum of sea level change from minutes through to centuries by means of in situ devices at the coast (tide gauges). Such changes are sometimes called still water level changes, being changes over a period long enough to average over wind waves. The devices employed to make these measurements...
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Oceanography; Sea level measurement; Sea level changes; Tide gauges; Acoustic data; Acoustic transducers; Acoustic current meters; Transducers.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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