La yuca (Manihot esculenta) constituye la base de la alimentación para mas de 1.000 millones de personas en el mundo considerándose por esta razón un cultivo primordial para la seguridad alimentaria. La bacteriosis vascular ocasionada por la bacteria gram negativa Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis (Xam) es uno de los factores más limitantes para la producción en este cultivo. Un gen de resistencia candidato de yuca a la bacteriosis vascular, denominado RXam1, ha sido previamente identificado. En este trabajo se empleó la estrategia de silenciamiento génico mediado por el geminivirus ACMV (del inglés African Cassava Mosaic Virus) para validar la función del gen RXam1. Como control positivo se utilizó el gen su, cuyo silenciamiento produce blanqueamiento... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Yuca; VIGS; Resistencia; Bacteriosis vascular. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0120-548X2010000200014 |
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Bazzini,Ariel A; Mongelli,Vanesa C; Hopp,H. Esteban; del Vas,Mariana; Asurmendi,Sebastián. |
Gene silencing, also called RNA interference (RNAi) is a specific mechanism of RNA degradation involved in gene regulation, development and defense in eukaryotic organisms. It became an important subject in the teaching programs of molecular biology, genetics and biotechnology courses in the last years. The aim of this work is to provide simple and inexpensive assays to understand and teach gene silencing using plants as model systems. The use of transient and permanent transgenic plants for expressing reporter genes, like those derived from jellyfish green fluorescent protein (gfp) encoding gene, provides a nice, colorful and conclusive image of gene silencing. Three experimental approaches to evidence RNA silencing are depicted. In the first approach... |
Tipo: Journal article |
Palavras-chave: Gene silencing; GFP; HC-Pro; PDS; Protocols; PTGS; Teaching; Transgenic; Transient expression; TRV; VIGS. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-34582007000200002 |
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