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Effect of maternally-derived antibodies on the performance and immunity of broilers induced by in ovo or post-hatching immunizations with a live vaccine against infectious bursal disease Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Avic.
Michell,BC; Gomes,AD; Baião,NC; Resende,M; Lara,LJC; Martins,NRS.
The interference of low or high maternal antibodies titers on the attenuated infectious bursal disease (IBD) virus (IBDV) vaccine infection and its effects on the performance of broilers vaccinated at the 18th day of incubation (in ovo), at one day of age (subcutaneously-SC), or at 15 days of age (drinking water-DW) were investigated. After a series of three live vaccinations, breeders were given or not an IBD oil emulsion vaccine (IBD-OEV) prior to sexual maturity. At day 18 of incubation (in ovo), a commercial vaccine containing HVT and an intermediate IBDV strain or the single HVT vaccine was given. An intermediate IBDV vaccine was given SC at one day of age, or at 15 days of age via DW. The progeny of unvaccinated breeders presented higher neutralizing...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Attenuated IBDV; Attenuated IBDV neutralization; Broiler chicken; Infectious bursal disease; Infectious bursal disease virus; IBDV; In-ovo vaccination; Maternal antibody; RT-PCR; Serum neutralization; Vaccination versus performance.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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