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Stequert, B.; Ramcharrun, B.. |
From 281 females with fork lengths ranging from 43 to 73 cm and ripe ovaries, the batch fecundity of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) from the western part of the Indian Ocean was studied. Gilson's fluid, used as a preservative and dissociative agent for oocytes, has a strong and fast action (5 days) on the shrinkage of these oocytes. Counts made with a Dollfus box on sub-samples of dissociated oocytes show that, within a single sexual maturity period (February), the fecundity of skipjack tuna is the same whatever the geographic area: Mozambique Channel and South of Seychelles Islands. On the other hand, although sexual activity is noted for skipjack tuna throughout the year, individual fecundity changes with the season within a single area. This... |
Tipo: Proceedings Paper |
Palavras-chave: Fecundity Sexual maturity Tuna fisheries Fishery biology Euthynnus pelamis ISW; West Indian Ocean. |
Ano: 1996 |
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/1834/18 |
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Nishida, T.. |
An examination is made of the possible impact of purse seine fisheries on the longline fisheries for the Western Indian Ocean yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) stock. Past research works on fisheries interactions are reviewed and then descriptive (spatial and temporal) analyses are attempted for basic fisheries statistics (catch, CPUE and size). It was discovered that the general trends of longline CPUE are more or less constant in the whole purse seine fishing ground before and after purse seining started, while those in the heavy purse seine fishing grounds show a moderate decrease. This moderate decrease is discussed for 2 cases: the long-term situation and the immediate situation. |
Tipo: Proceedings Paper |
Palavras-chave: Tuna fisheries Thunnus albacares Purse seining Longlining Catch/effort ISW; West Indian Ocean. |
Ano: 1996 |
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/1834/17 |
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Yeh, S.Y.; Hui, C.F.; Treng, T.D.; Kuo, C.L.. |
Both morphometric and DNA sequence analyses were applied in this study for throwing light on the stock structure of the albacore (Thunnus alalunga) resource in the Indian Ocean. A total of 144 albacore individuals, sampled from vessels fishing in 6 different localities of the Indian Ocean, were used for morphometric comparison. Two fisheries research surveys were carried out in 1990-1991 by the R/V Haikung, which belongs to the Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute, for collecting albacore specimens. Seven well-preserved muscle tissue specimens, removed from 7 albacores caught from 3 different localities of the Indian Ocean, were used for DNA sequence comparison. The results show that: 1) the first 2 eigen values absorb about 99% of the total... |
Tipo: Proceedings Paper |
Palavras-chave: Tuna fisheries Stock assessment Stock identification DNA Thunnus alalunga ISW; West Indian Ocean. |
Ano: 1996 |
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/1834/20 |
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Muths, Delphine; Tessier, Emmanuel; Bourjea, Jerome. |
The reef fauna connectivity of the West Indian Ocean (WIO) is one of the least studied globally. Here we use genetic analyses of the grouper Epinephelus merra (Bloch 1793) to determine patterns of connectivity and to identify barriers to dispersal in this WIO marine area. Phylogeographic and population-level analyses were conducted on cytochrome b sequences and microsatellites (13 loci) from 557 individuals sampled in 15 localities distributed across the West Indian Ocean. Additional samples from the Pacific Ocean were used to benchmark the WIO population structure. The high level of divergence revealed between Indian and Pacific localities (of about 4.5% in sequences) might be the signature of the major tectonic and climatic changes operating at the... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Cytochrome b; Marine connectivity; Microsatellite; Reef fish; West Indian Ocean. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00189/30046/28566.pdf |
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