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Genetic diversity in Calibrachoa pygmaea (Solanaceae): A hawkmoth-pollinated nightshade from the Pampas Acta Botanica
Mäder,Geraldo; Backes,Alice; Reck-Kortmann,Maikel; Freitas,Loreta B..
ABSTRACT Calibrachoa pygmaea is a unique species of Calibrachoa, especially concerning its flower morphology and the environment where it occurs. The species is self-incompatible and is narrowly distributed in wet and flooded fields of the Pampas region. We characterize the genetic diversity of the species based on traditional plastid markers and newly developed nuclear microsatellites to identify drivers that guide its evolution. Our results identified markers that are informative and useful for studying the population structure of C. pygmaea, as well as that of other species of Calibrachoa. Both marker sets were congruent in developing conclusions regarding the evolutionary scenario of C. pygmaea, and revealed that the genetic variability and population...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cross-amplification; Gene flow; Genetic diversity; Plastid haplotypes; Population genetics; SSR markers; Wild petunias.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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