Registros recuperados: 97 | |
Amshoff, G. Jane H.. |
The present paper has been written in connection with the account of the Papilionaceae for Pulle’s Flora of Suriname. The investigations were chiefly carried on in the herbarium of Utrecht; I also spent some time in the herbaria of Kew, Leiden and Paris and of the British Museum of Natural History in London. I wish to tender my best thanks to the directors and staffs of these institutions for their hospitality and assistance and also to the „Miquelfonds” which enabled me to go to London and Paris. Further I am indebted to the directors of the herbaria of Berlin-Dahlem, Brussel, Geneva and Leiden for lending specimens. Miss A. Kleinhoonte, who first was to write the account of the Papilionaceae and had already determinated a large part of the material,... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/535079 |
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Antonius, Otto. |
Die Veröffentlichung von zwei neuen Funden aus dem Zweistromlande (1, 2, 3) ist geeignet, mehr Licht auf die viel umstrittene Frage zu werfen, welcher Art die von den alten Sumerern im dritten vorchristlichen Jahrtausend als Zugtiere vor den Kriegswagen verwendeten Einhufer angehört haben. Bekanntlich stehen sich diesbezüglich mehrere Anschauungen gegenüber: die einen behaupten, diese Tiere wären Esel oder Angehörige des dort wild vorkommenden syrischen Halbesels (Equus hemionus hemippus Geoffr.), die anderen sehen in ihnen Pferde oder Maultiere, also Bastarde von Pferden, und sind geneigt, diese Darstellungen als Beweise für ein weit höheres Alter der Pferdezucht im vorderen Orient anzusehen, als man früher angenommen hatte. Ich habe kürzlich an anderer... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/504316 |
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Backer, C.A.. |
As far as known at present there occur in Java 4 wild species of Gynura, viz. G. aurantiaca (B1.) DC., G. carnosula Z.M., G. densiflora Miq. and G. procumbens (Lour.) Merr. A fifth species. G. pseudochina (L.) DC., is met with as a cultivated plant only, and even as such it seems to be very rare. A sixth. G. crepidioides Bth., an African plant of recent introduction, is better placed in Crassocephalum. Only one of the wild species, G. procumbens, occurs throughout the island, from sea-level up to about 2100 m. altitude. G. aurantiaca is restricted to West- and Central-Java, where it is found between 750 and 2400 m. alt.; along watercourses, however, it occasionally descends¹ as low as 350 m.; its area of distribution, extending from Mount Gědè to Mount... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/534891 |
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Barendrecht, G.. |
In spite of the many discussions on this subject, both in literature and meetings of entomological societies, a considerable controversy exists between those entomologists who, for determination, readily resort to a comparison of the hypopygia, this being too often the only part of the insect offering satisfactory species characters, and those who consider this practice beneath the dignity of scientific entomology. As it happened that the writer in the course of several years had to do much work on Fungivoridae, he had ample opportunity to become familiar with this problem. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/503918 |
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Bayer, Ch.. |
Since the paper by Smith in 1894 (A list of the recent species of the genus Pirula) no monograph, review, or catalogue of the recent species of the genus Pirula has been published, as far as I am able to state. Besides the species of which our Museum possesses specimens, I have quoted again, as in my former catalogues, all the other species, as far as I could find these mentioned in literature, whilst I added the principal synonyms. After those species of which we possess material there follows a list of the specimens stating: 1) the letter which indicates specimens from the same locality and collector (donor), as far as they are kept dry; in the case of specimens preserved in spirit the number of the jar is given instead, 2) the number of specimens, 3)... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 42.73. |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/318182 |
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Beaufort, L.F. de. |
In 1853 BLEEKER (I, p. 489 and 490) described two species, both from the bay of Batavia, as Julis (Halichoeres) cyanopleura and Julis (Halichoeres) pyrrhogrammatoides. He pointed out that these two species are closely related, the first to Julis poecilopterus SCHL., the second to Julis pyrrhogramma SCHL., both from Japan. Lastnamed species differ from the javanese species, besides by slightly different colourmarkings, by having 14 rays in the dorsal and the anal, against 11 rays in both fins of the javanese species. BLEEKER says that but for the difference in the number of dorsal and anal rays, which is considerable, at least for this genus, he would be temped to consider the javanese species as climatic variations (“klimaatvarieteiten”) of the japanese... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/504382 |
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Benthem Jutting, W.S.S. van. |
At the time when the Royal Zoological Society Natura Artis Magistra known in Holland as “Artis” was founded in 1838 the ground for the study of malacology lay already well prepared. For ever since the days when the early Dutch seafarers explored the commercial routes to East and to West, all kinds of curiosities and natural history objects found their way to the motherland, brought back by the homebound sailors. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/504188 |
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Bierens de Haan, J.A.. |
Die Königlich Zoologische Gesellschaft „Natura Artis Magistra”, deren Hundertjahrfeier wir diesen Sommer feiern, hat sich von Anfang an die Aufgabe gestellt, mehr als die Eigentümerin eines Gartens zu sein, in welchem mehr oder weniger seltene und kuriose Tiere für das Publikum zur Schau gestellt sind, und hat immer danach gestrebt, ein kulturelles und wissenschaftliches Zentrum in der Stadt ihrer Gründung darzustellen. Das Glück wahr ihr dabei hold: gelegen in der Mitte einer grossen, aber nicht zu grossen Stadt, gross genug, als Reichshaupt- und Universitätsstadt ein Kultur-Mittelpunkt des Landes zu sein, und andererseits doch wieder nicht so gross, dass dabei die einzelnen Institute im Ganzen verlorengehen, vermochte sie sich je länger je mehr mit... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/503907 |
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Bremekamp, C.E.B.. |
The genus Mussaendopsis was created by Baillon in 1879 for a tree found by Beccari in Sarawak, Borneo. As it appeared afterwards, the same species occurs also in the Malay Peninsula, on the islands between the latter and Borneo, and in Sumatra. On specimens collected in the Malay Peninsula, in 1884 the genus Creaghia Scort. was founded. The descriptions of the two genera are very similar, and as Mussaendopsis Baill. is not mentioned by Scortechini, we may safely assume that Baillon’s publication was unknown to him. The identity of the two genera was disclosed by K. Schumann in his monograph of the family in Engler & Prantl. Subsequently the plant was dealt with by Stapf, King and Gamble, Ridley and Lemée. None of the descriptions, however, is entirely... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/535003 |
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Bremekamp, C.E.B.. |
Among the most remarkable finds made by Dr. van Steenis in the higher parts of the mountains of North Sumatra are a number of cushion plants. Two of these he recognized as Rubiaceae nearly related to Hedyotis verticillaris W. et A., a species occurring in similar habitats in the Nilgiri Hills, India, and in Ceylon. Hesitating, however, to express a definite opinion on their taxonomic position, he sent the material to me for further investigation. As I had occupied myself already for some time with the genus Hedyotis L. and its allies, this investigation offered me a Wellcome opportunity to test some of the principles which I had laid down for the subdivision of this group. Apart from the characters of the fruit I lay stress on the position of the... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/534778 |
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Buitendijk, A.M.. |
Cleistostoma edwardsii (McLeay) Cleistotoma edwardsii McLeay, 1838, 111. Zool. South Africa by Andrew Smith, vol. 3, p. 64. Cleistotoma edwardsii McL., Krauss, 1843, Südafr. Crust., p. 40. Cleistostoma edwardsii (McLeay), Stebbing, 1910. Ann. South Afr. Mus., vol. 6, p. 328. Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie : Knysna, September 18, 1938, L. D. Brongersma, 11 ♂ ♂, 3 ♀ ♀, 1 young specimen. Zoological Museum, Amsterdam : Knysna, September 16—18, 1938, H. Engel, 10 ♂ ♂, 7 ♀ ♀, 1 young specimen. McLeay says: „Cleistotoma oculis magnis, testâ laevi haud pilosâ lateribus integris nec granulosis nec postice divergentibus, manibus brevibus; pedum pari tertio longiori, femoribus infra laevibus. Note. This species comes very near to the Cleistotoma Leachii of... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 42.74. |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/318080 |
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Chaux-thevenin, H.. |
Le verdissement des huîtres consiste en une pigmentation de couleur verte affectant plusieurs organes de ces mollusques (manteau, branchies, épithélium intestinal). Il se produit d'une façon plus ou moins intense et régulière dans d'assez nombreuses régions, mais ne présente une grande importance que dans le bassin de Marennes. Le verdissement existe faiblement dans les parcs en mer; ce n'est que dans les claires qu'il se manifeste avec intensité et imprime aux huîtres un aspect si caractéristique correspondant à une qualité commerciale bien tranchée (huîtres vertes). |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Huîtres; Claires à huître; Marennes-Oléron; Charente-Maritime; Verdissement; Diatomées. |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00002/11317/7830.pdf |
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Corporaal, J.B.. |
Mr. E. A. CHAPIN (in “Classification of the Philippine Components of the Coleopterous family Cleridae”; Philipp. Jrn. Sc. Vol. 25, No. 2, 1924, p. 165— 251) was the first to recognize the Thaneroclerinae as a distinct subfamily of the Cleridae, characterized chiefly by the broadly dilated anterior tarsi and the almost entire eyes. The discovery of a new species from Kashmir and of one from Sumatra has gradually led me to make a complete revision of this interesting group, in which I was very materially assisted by my friend Mr. P. VAN DER WIEL, who also executed all the figures, which accompany this paper, with one exception ¹). Further this work was supported very largely by the help of almost all important scientific institutions and that of some private... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/504196 |
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Dam, A.J. van. |
Die Exemplare sind grossenteils gesammelt von der dänischen Expedition zu den Kei Inseln 1921—22 unter Leitung von Dr. TH. MORTENSEN. In seiner Reisebeschreibung 1923 gedenkt Herr MORTENSEN ausser seinem Gefährten, H. JENSEN, auch den niederländischen Biologen, die ihm und seiner Expedition mit Rat und Tat geholfen haben: M. WEBER, H. BOSCHMA, H. C. SIEBERS, DOCTERS VAN LEEUWEN, K. W. DAMMERMAN, und A. L. J. SUNIER, dem heutigen Direktor des jetzt hundertjährigen zoologischen Gartens zu Amsterdam. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/504000 |
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Danser, B.H.. |
On several occasions the author received specimens for determination under the name of Loranthaceae, which in reality appeared to be Phacellarias, usually parasitic on Loranthaceae. When trying to name these Phacellarias, he preceived how difficult it was to survey the literature of the genus. Though only eight species have been described, and the authors usually have indicated the main differences between their new species and the most closely allied previous ones, the most essential characteristics of the species, viz., the structures of the inflorescences, were never indicated, and a critical review of all the species has never been given. Therefore it appeared an attractive task to undertake such a revision, if only it were possible to examine all the... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/524560 |
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Danser, B.H.. |
The actual dates of publication of the greater part of BLUME’s Flora Javae (lit. 1) appear to be unknown among taxonomists. The title-page of the first volume is dated 1828, and we find the same year at the base of the preface. The volume containing the Orchideae (lit. 2) is dated 1858, but further dates are absent on the work. A cover for a fascicle containing the ”Planches inedites“ in the Groningen University Library is dated 1829, and there are indications that no such cover ever bore a later date. Therefore, perhaps, one often finds 1828, or 1828?, or 1829 as the year of publication of the whole first series. My investigations concerning the actual dates of publication have not yet given me all the information I wished to have, but the main points... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/525633 |
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Registros recuperados: 97 | |