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2<sup>e</sup> Internationaal Congres van de Zee, Luik, 30-31 Juli en 1-2 Augustus 1939 = 2<sup>ième</sup> Congrès International de la Mer, Liège, 30-31 juillet et 1-2 août 1939 27
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/book
Ano: 1939 URL:
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A brief history of the conchological collections at the Zoological Museum of Amsterdam, with some reflections on 18th century schell cabinets and their proprietors, on the occasion of the centenary of the Royal Zoological Society “Natura Artis Magistra” 16
Benthem Jutting, W.S.S. van.
At the time when the Royal Zoological Society Natura Artis Magistra known in Holland as “Artis” was founded in 1838 the ground for the study of malacology lay already well prepared. For ever since the days when the early Dutch seafarers explored the commercial routes to East and to West, all kinds of curiosities and natural history objects found their way to the motherland, brought back by the homebound sailors.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1939 URL:
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A classification of the seedling from the 1939 crosses, for their resistance to South American leaf disease, Dothidella ulei and black crust, Catacauma huberi. 14
The 1939 hand-pollinated seedling families were examined on April 14, 15, 22, 27 and 28, 1943, to determine their resistance to South American Leaf Disease. These crosses were made at Fordlandia estate and brought to Belterra where they were planted in plots C and D of block 91 at a regular field spacing.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Doenças; Controle; Sementes; Polinização; Seringueira.
Ano: 1939 URL:
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A new Vitex from Malaysia 16
Lam, H.J.; Meeuse, A.D.J..
In 1919 Dr C. A. BACKER collected a plant in the Kangean Archipelago which had the appearance of a Cymaria so that the collector provisionally called it ”Cymaria triphylla BACKER“ (MS.). The same species was also collected by KARTA on the Island of Bawean in 1928. Some other sheets already extant in the Herbarium at Buitenzorg for a long time among the indeterminate specimens were recognized as identical with this ”Cymaria“ (TEYSMANN nr. 1750, Madoera and nr. 1768, Bawean). In 1937 Dr BACKER, when working up Javanese plants, had a closer examination of this plant and concluded that it could not be inserted in Cymaria, and even not in the Labiatae, but that it had rather to be put into the Verbenaceae. However, he found himself unable to identify the...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1939 URL:
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A Preliminary Report of Crop Production Costs from Data Secured in 1938 on the Farm Accounting Route in Winona County, Minnesota 31
Engene, Selmer A.; Pond, George A.; Wetherill, Fred E..
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 1939 URL:
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A Preliminary Report of Data Secured in 1938 on the Farm Accounting Route in Winona County, Minnesota 31
Engene, Selmer A.; Pond, George A.; Wetherill, Fred E..
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 1939 URL:
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A Preliminary Report of Livestock Costs and Returns from Data Secured in 1938 on the Farm Accounting Route in Winona County, Minnesota 31
Engene, Selmer A.; Pond, George A.; Wetherill, Fred E..
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 1939 URL:
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A review of the taxonomical and ecological studies on Netherlands’ Algae 16
Koster, Joséphine Th..
The earliest account of the Netherlands’ Algae appeared in 1781 in D. de Gorter, Flora VII Prov. Belgii foederati indigen. Here, however, in the Algae lichens and liverworts have been incorporated. The true Algae, of which 35 are enumerated, are principally marine, though also aërophytical and freshwater Algae are among them. Some fifty years later F. A. W. Miquel gave a revision of the Netherlands’ Algae, with keys and descriptions in Latin and Dutch, in van Hall, Flora Belgii septentrionalis. We find them in two tribes: 1. Algae Chloricae, to which belong the bluegreens, the diatoms, the green Algae, the Charophytes; and 2. Algae Chromicae, to which belong the brown and the red Algae. At that time about too species from this country were known, which had...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1939 URL:
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A revision of the genus Phacellaria (Santalaceae) 16
Danser, B.H..
On several occasions the author received specimens for determination under the name of Loranthaceae, which in reality appeared to be Phacellarias, usually parasitic on Loranthaceae. When trying to name these Phacellarias, he preceived how difficult it was to survey the literature of the genus. Though only eight species have been described, and the authors usually have indicated the main differences between their new species and the most closely allied previous ones, the most essential characteristics of the species, viz., the structures of the inflorescences, were never indicated, and a critical review of all the species has never been given. Therefore it appeared an attractive task to undertake such a revision, if only it were possible to examine all the...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1939 URL:
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A Study of Reported Crop Yields in Southeastern Minnesota 31
Anderson, Hjalmer O..
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 1939 URL:
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Additional notes on Sarcosperma 16
Lam, H.J.; Varossieau, W.W..
The present records are mainly based upon the collections by C. W. WANG in Yunnan, 1936. We are indebted to Dr E. D. MERRILL, Harvard University, Jamaica Plain, Mass., U.S.A., for putting these specimens to our disposal. Except for a few points, our views concerning the genus have not been essentially modified. The data mentioned are supplementary to those, published in our earlier paper: Revision of the Sarcospermataceae (Blumea 3, 1938, 183—200).
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1939 URL:
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Alphabetical list of Dutch zoological cabinets and menageries 16
Engel, H..
If during one’s work one comes across certain names again and again, names of old collectors, of one’s colleagues in earlier days, who with their private museums laid the foundation of our scientific institutions, one naturally becomes keen on knowing more about them. The results of this curiosity, collected by and by in spare time and sometimes too in time stolen from other more serious occupations, are given here to the public in the hope that they may meet their interest. As to me I thought it a pleasure and certainly worth the trouble. I first collected all that I could find in a casual way and at last I hunted for them more systematically, until the time came that circumstances put an end to it. Incomplete though this list may be, I now send it to the...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1939 URL:
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An old collection of plants from Surinam in the Rijksherbarium at Leiden 16
Ooststroom, S.J. van.
Some time ago I described in Blumea (5) a plant collection in book-form, collected by Hermann in Ceylon. This collection consists of two large volumes, each containing a number of dried specimens. Besides these two volumes, the Rijksherbarium is in the possession of a third one of the same size and with a similar binding, bearing on its back the title in golden characters on a darker ground: Herb: Viv: Promont. Bonae Spei Vol: I. When I saw the specimens of this volume for the first time, it struck me that they did not show the peculiar type of plants from the Cape region. A somewhat closer examination lead me to the supposition, that I had to do with plants from South America. I was strengthened in that opinion by the fact that many of the vernacular...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1939 URL:
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Ranney, W.P.; Pond, George A..
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 1939 URL:
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Aphthae Epizooticae among the wisents (Bison bonasus L.) and the cross-bred wisents (Bison bonasus L. X Bison bison L.) of the Royal Zoological Society “Natura Artis Magistra” at Amsterdam in the autumn of 1937 16
Folmer, C.J..
When in the summer of 1937 foot-and-mouth disease began to prevail among the cattle of Holland and spread rapidly in spite of extensive measures taken by the Dutch Veterinary Government Inspection, it was to be expected that also those animals in the Zoological Gardens, susceptible to this disease, would be affected. Experience gained during earlier extensive foot-and-mouth-disease epizooticae has proved that this disease, singularly contagious for ruminants, could not be prevented notwithstanding the secluded spot occupied by these animals in the Zoological Gardens.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1939 URL:
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Atahuallpa 121
Ano: 1939 URL:
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Beobachtungen über die Fortpflanzung und Verdauung des Unaus (Zweizehen-Faultier = Choloepus didactylus Linné) nebst einigen Bemerkungen über sein Verhalten 16
Schneider, Karl Max.
Die folgenden Beobachtungen habe ich im Leipziger Zoologischen Garten gemacht. Im Mai 1912 kaufte dieser von der Königlichen Zoologischen Gesellschaft „Natura Artis Magistra” zu Amsterdam eine Faultier-Familie (Choloepus didactylus Linné), wovon das Männchen — sich am längsten haltend — über 8 Jahre hier lebte. Darnach wurde im April 1925 von Ruhe-Alfeld ein Paar mit einem Jungen erworben und im Januar folgenden Jahres noch ein — sicherlich weibliches — Stück vom Rotterdamer Tiergarten. Das Kleine ging am 27. VI. 1926 ein. Am 28. IX. 1929 ward bei dem einen Weibchen 0,1 Junges gesehen, das von jenem gepflegt und genährt ward; es kann schon einige Tage unbemerkt da gewesen sein, da die Alte in einer Astgabel zusammengehockt sass ¹). Fünf Wochen später...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1939 URL:
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Beobachtungen und Versuche über das Sinnesleben und die Intelligenz eines Macropus giganteus Zimmermann 16
Heubel, Florrie.
Bei einem Känguruh, Macropus giganteus Zimm., wurde die Rangordnung der Sinne untersucht. Es stellte sich heraus, dass der Geruchssinn bei weitem überwiegend war und der Gesichtssinn erst an zweiter Stelle kam. Weiter wurde das Erstreben bevorzugten Futters und die Erinnerung untersucht. Es zeigte sich, dass das Tier sogar bei erschwerten Aufgaben beides positiv löste. Weiss-schwarz-Dressur wurde in 3 verschiedenen Methoden ausgeübt: Bei völliger Ausschaltung des Geruchssinnes wurde in 4 Tagen die Weiss-Dressur erlernt. Zum Schluss ist die Intelligenz untersucht worden. Sehr hoch ist diese nicht anzuschlagen, aber „stumpfsinnig” sind die Tiere allerwenigst.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1939 URL:
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Biologische Notizen betreffs der Zuidersee-Krabbe Pilumnopeus tridentatus (Maitland) syn. Heteropanope tridentata (Maitland) 16
Vorstman, Adriana G.; Herk, A.W.H. van.
Bekanntlich wurde bis vor kurzem diese spezifisch holländische Krabbenart, die nach De Man 1892 ihre nächsten Verwandten in einem tropisch pazifischen Genus hat, nirgends anders in der Welt als in Holland gefunden. Erst im Jahre 1936 berichtete K. Schubert, dass Pilumnopeus unlängst auch im Kaiser Wilhelm-Kanal im Flemhuder-See gefunden wurde. Pilumnopeus lebt in den Gewässern von Nordholland, dem IJselmeer (der abgedammten Zuidersee) und der Provinz Seeland und wurde in der Waddensee (Rottum), (siehe Hoek 1885/87 S. 96), in der Provinz Friesland in der Nähe von Dokkum, (siehe Kamps und Otto 1934), und in der Provinz Groningen (Niezijl) (siehe Otto 1934) gefunden. Der Gedanke, dass diese merkwürdige Krabbenart durch die Versüssung des IJselmeeres daselbst...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1939 URL:
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Botanical results of a trip to the Salajar islands 16
Docters van Leeuwen, W.M..
In Blumea, Vol. II, 1937, pp. 239 to 277, appeared an article bearing the above title. It is a description of an excursion to the Salajar Islands, situated south of Celebes; lists of the plants found in the islands are appended. Prof. Dr C. E. B. BREMEKAMP wrote to me that in the Leiden Herbarium a small collection of plants, collected by me in the Salajar Islands, and long ago lent to the late Dr TH. VALETON, have been found. This collection contained, apart from the Rubiaceae, the special subject of Dr VALETON, some representatives of other plant families. Prof. BREMEKAMP sent me a list of names of these plants, for which I tender him my cordial thanks. Besides he communicated to me that a few plants are mentioned under wrong names in the original...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1939 URL:
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