Registros recuperados: 97 | |
Urbain, A.. |
Il existe, dans certaines régions du Nord Cambodge un bœuf sauvage différent du Gaur (Bos (Bibos) gaurus. H. Smith) et du Banteng (Bos (Bibos) banteng, Raffles) dont la présence a été signalée par quelques rares auteurs, en particulier par le Docteur DUFOSSÉ ¹) et plus récemment par R. VITTOZ ²). Cet animal très rare vit actuellement dans les forêts — clairières où un très petit nombre de chasseurs ont pu l’approcher. Le Docteur-Vétérinaire SAUVEL, qui est un des chasseurs les plus réputés du Nord-Cambodge, possède des trophées remarquables de cet animal. C’est grâce à lui qu’au cours d’un récent voyage en Indochine, nous avons pu voir de près ce Bovidé. M. SAUVEL a réussi, en effet, à capturer un jeune mâle de cette espèce qui est actuellement au Parc... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/504661 |
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Chaux-thevenin, H.. |
Le verdissement des huîtres consiste en une pigmentation de couleur verte affectant plusieurs organes de ces mollusques (manteau, branchies, épithélium intestinal). Il se produit d'une façon plus ou moins intense et régulière dans d'assez nombreuses régions, mais ne présente une grande importance que dans le bassin de Marennes. Le verdissement existe faiblement dans les parcs en mer; ce n'est que dans les claires qu'il se manifeste avec intensité et imprime aux huîtres un aspect si caractéristique correspondant à une qualité commerciale bien tranchée (huîtres vertes). |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Huîtres; Claires à huître; Marennes-Oléron; Charente-Maritime; Verdissement; Diatomées. |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00002/11317/7830.pdf |
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Jonker, F.P.. |
En 1894, H. Baillon (Bull. Mens, de la Soc. Linn. de Paris II, p. 1149) décrit une nouvelle plante de Madagascar, Geosiris aphylla, qui d’après sa couleur et son aspect général faisait penser à la famille des Burmanniacées. Mais, comme il remarquait, non seulement que les 3 anthères ne se conformaient pas à celles des Burmanniacées dans leur forme, les anthères sont superposées aux sépales et non aux pétales ainsi qu’en est le cas chez les Burmanniacées qui possèdent 3 étamines. Selon la forme et selon la place des étamines Baillon pensait alors avoir à faire avec une représentante de la famille des Iridacées dépourvue de chlorophylle. La construction des fleurs et surtout celle du gynécée se rapprochent le plus fortement au groupe d’ Aristea et ses... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/535224 |
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Sitter, L.U. de. |
Serrant de près le lac de Lugano, se trouve un vieux pays volcanique, environné de montagnes calcaires escarpées, qui, malgré son peu d'étendue a une histoire géologique des plus intéressantes. Les laves et les tufs de ces volcans anciens sont d’une grande diversité et ont fourni en ces derniers temps la matière de recherches récemment couronnées par les analyses chimiques de Mlle Koomans (1937). A peu près au même temps que les étudiants en géologie de Leyde s’appliquaient à l’étude de cette région volcanique ceux de Bâle exploraient les roches sédimentaires environnantes. Grâce à ces différentes recherches conduites tant sur le terrain qu’en laboratoire, l’histoire géologique de ce complèxe nous est devenue familière. Cependant il nous manquait encore... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/505831 |
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At the beginning of 1939, the Marine Fisheries Scientific and Technical Office entered its 20th year of existence. To celebrate this birthday, a special volume, presenting the aim of this state Office and summarizing its work since its creation, was published. This publication gives a precise idea of what the Office used to be before 1939. Even if major historical events have lead to important changes in the Office's structure, its flexible constitution helped it adapt quickly and easily to the new circumstances and carry on with its mission. The powers of the Office have been extended to the control of all the side-industries related to fisheries and its members have more intimate links with the professional groups they support. In the same way, a... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1939/publication-3371.pdf |
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Umbgrove, J.H.F.. |
INTRODUCTION In the Bay of Batavia there are patch-reefs and cays in different stadia of development. Some are small reefs still rather deep below sea level, other reefs bear a small sand cay. On the larger coral sand islands vegetation has developed ; moreover shingle ramparts and a moat have come into existence. The islands and reefs considered in this paper are situated South of a line which may be thought passing from Cape Pasir towards the Island Edam, so forming a boundary between the reefs in the Bay of Batavia and the northern group of Thousand Islands („Duizend eilanden"). The author studied these reefs in some detail and the results were published as early as 1928 1). In that amply illustrated paper data and considerations may be found on... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 42.72. |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/318310 |
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Roon, J.M. van; Pelkwijk, J.J. ter. |
There are several descriptions of the anatomy of Orthragoriscus mola L., but no authors except Van Dobben (1935) have given a functional treatise concerning the mechanism of the jaw. Unfortunately the fish described by Van Dobben seems to have been abnormal. The description which follows is based on anatomical study of two sunfishes which stranded on the Dutch coast and were placed at our disposal by the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden. Specimen A, a female, stranded December 10, 1935 near Burgh, in the neighbourhood of Haamstede, on the Isle of Schouwen. It has been used for a cast in the Leiden Museum and was dissected by Dr N. Tinbergen and J. J. ter Pelkwijk December 13 and 14, 1935 at the Zoological Laboratory at Leiden. Specimen B, a... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 42.81. |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/319161 |
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Umbgrove, J.H.F.. |
Dr. Ph. H. Kuenen kindly entrusted me with a suite of corals collected by him on the island Flores during his cruise with the Expedition on board of H.M. „Willebrord Snellius”. The exact locality is North coast near Papang where the road Papang-Rioeng-Rawoe forkes, 550 m above sea level. Nine different species were collected. Among these is one new species, Fungophyllia millepunctata. Of one coral, a Porites, the species could not be identified with certainty, though it strongly resembles a Porites species from the Miocene Progo-beds of Java. From the other 7 corals the following data on their stratigraphical distribution are known. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/505719 |
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Zaneveld, J.S.. |
Our knowledge of the Charophyta of Madagascar is mainly based on the rich and well-prepared collection made by Mr TH. B. BLOW, who visited the eastern central part of the island in the early months of 1924 ¹). The 384 dried specimens and a considerable number of portions of the plants preserved in formalin were determined by the well-known authority on the Charophyta, the late JAMES GROVES, who published the results of his work in the Journal of the Linnean Society (Botany), vol. XLVIII, 1928. This paper contains the descriptions of 5 new species and 3 new varieties of Nitella. Before this basic paper on the Charophyta of Madagascar was published, only very few publications appeared. As far as I know the first Madagascarian species to be recognized was... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/526239 |
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Buitendijk, A.M.. |
Cleistostoma edwardsii (McLeay) Cleistotoma edwardsii McLeay, 1838, 111. Zool. South Africa by Andrew Smith, vol. 3, p. 64. Cleistotoma edwardsii McL., Krauss, 1843, Südafr. Crust., p. 40. Cleistostoma edwardsii (McLeay), Stebbing, 1910. Ann. South Afr. Mus., vol. 6, p. 328. Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie : Knysna, September 18, 1938, L. D. Brongersma, 11 ♂ ♂, 3 ♀ ♀, 1 young specimen. Zoological Museum, Amsterdam : Knysna, September 16—18, 1938, H. Engel, 10 ♂ ♂, 7 ♀ ♀, 1 young specimen. McLeay says: „Cleistotoma oculis magnis, testâ laevi haud pilosâ lateribus integris nec granulosis nec postice divergentibus, manibus brevibus; pedum pari tertio longiori, femoribus infra laevibus. Note. This species comes very near to the Cleistotoma Leachii of... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 42.74. |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/318080 |
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Koster, Joséphine Th.. |
In West as well as in East Java a Cyanophyceae association has been found, that from both localities shows a remarkable similarity in composition. Both were growing on limestone rocks and had the same greyish velvety appearance. The localities are: West Java, Koeripan near Buitenzorg, alt. ± 200 m (LüTJEHARMS n. 5461, 4 VII 1936) and East Java, Malang, South coast, South of Wlingi near kampong Nglijep, alt. 0—500 m (GROENHART s.n., 4 X 1936). The principal components are: Scytonema Hofmanni AG., Schizothrix chalybea (KüTZ.) GOM. and less frequent Scytonema (Petalonema) crassum NAEG. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/525514 |
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Le Danois, Edouard. |
TABLE DES MATIÈRES PREMIÈRE PARTIE. - CLASSIFICATION ET PHYLOGENIE LES BRANCHIOSTOMES LES CYCLOSTOMES LES OSTRACODERMES LES PLACIOSTOMES Placodermes Holocéphales Acanthodés Cladoselaciens Pleuracanthes Squaloïdes Batoïdes LES TÉLÉOSTOMES Crossoptérygiens Dipneustes Actinoptérygiens Chondrostéens Holostéens Téléostéens Téléostéens abdominaux Ostariophysaires Phthinobranches Malacoptérygiens Apodes Isoptérygiens Oxymalacoptères... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1939/publication-3373.pdf |
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Henrard, J.Th.. |
Piptochaetium was described in the year 1830 by Presl as a monotypic genus; the only species was named and figured by him as Piptochaetium setifolium, an inhabitant of Peru. The genus has usually been included as a section in the genus Oryzopsis of Michaux, and various species were also published under the genus Stipa. In my monograph of the genus Aristida I had the opportunity to study the whole tribe of the Stipeae, and reasons are given there why Piptochaetium should be accepted-as a quite distinct genus. From the very good description given by Presl and from the accompanying plate, the genus is easily recognizable. In my monograph a key to the genera of the tribe of the Stipeae has been given. The genus Piptochaetium is limited to the new world. In... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/534824 |
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Henrard, J.Th.. |
The flora of the island of Java belongs, especially as to the family of the grasses, to the best explored ones. It was JUNGHUHN, who collected them extensively and his material was the basis of a fine enumeration by our countryman BUSE, in the year 1854. In modern times the grass flora of the island was thoroughly studied by Dr C. A. BACKER, who prepared not only very rich collections, but being familiar with the system of the Gramineae, gave in his ”Flora van Java“ a detailed study of this family with excellent descriptions and many very important data. Unfortunately his species-concept and his nomenclature is not always up to date and it is to be hoped that a new modern Flora of Java can be prepared on the basis of the very important and rich material... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/526186 |
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Jong, C. de. |
The family Tettigoniidae consists of the long-horned grasshoppers with a more or less distinct sword-shaped ovipositor and with a distinct auditory organ at the proximal part of the fore tibiae. Handlirsch unites into this family 14 subfamilies of which the Pterophyllinae only are considered here. Concerning the name Tettigoniidae the opinions were diverging, but in recent literature this name is generally used. In the 10th edition of Linné's Systema Naturae (1758) a number of species of the genus Gryllus are united into the subgenus Tettigonia. This subgenus was considered as a genus by Fabricius and it would have been logical if he had kept the Linnean name Tettigonia for it. Fabricius, however, mixed up the Linnean names and called the here-mentioned... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 42.75. |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/318040 |
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Registros recuperados: 97 | |