Registros recuperados: 97 | |
Beaufort, L.F. de. |
In 1853 BLEEKER (I, p. 489 and 490) described two species, both from the bay of Batavia, as Julis (Halichoeres) cyanopleura and Julis (Halichoeres) pyrrhogrammatoides. He pointed out that these two species are closely related, the first to Julis poecilopterus SCHL., the second to Julis pyrrhogramma SCHL., both from Japan. Lastnamed species differ from the javanese species, besides by slightly different colourmarkings, by having 14 rays in the dorsal and the anal, against 11 rays in both fins of the javanese species. BLEEKER says that but for the difference in the number of dorsal and anal rays, which is considerable, at least for this genus, he would be temped to consider the javanese species as climatic variations (“klimaatvarieteiten”) of the japanese... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/504382 |
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Hille Ris Lambers, D.. |
1. The genus Atheroides Haliday Of this genus 3 Western European species are known : A. serrulatus Hal. (syn. festucae Mordv.?), A. hirtellus Hal. (syn. A. junci Laing) and A. brevicornis Laing. a) A. serrulatus Hal. is quite common. It lives on Poa annua often, but prefers species of grass with narrow, folded leaves, such as Festuca ovina, F. rubra, Nardus etc. b) A. hirtellus Hal. is not rare on Aira caespitosa. It seems to live on that plant only. c) A. brevicornis Laing is extremely common along the muddy seashores of the Netherlands. It prefers Festuca thalassica and F. distans, the two typical species of grass growing there 2). The alatae have not yet been described and therefore I add a short description. The apterae have been described excellently... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 42.75. |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/318832 |
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Amshoff, G. Jane H.. |
The present paper has been written in connection with the account of the Papilionaceae for Pulle’s Flora of Suriname. The investigations were chiefly carried on in the herbarium of Utrecht; I also spent some time in the herbaria of Kew, Leiden and Paris and of the British Museum of Natural History in London. I wish to tender my best thanks to the directors and staffs of these institutions for their hospitality and assistance and also to the „Miquelfonds” which enabled me to go to London and Paris. Further I am indebted to the directors of the herbaria of Berlin-Dahlem, Brussel, Geneva and Leiden for lending specimens. Miss A. Kleinhoonte, who first was to write the account of the Papilionaceae and had already determinated a large part of the material,... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/535079 |
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Lam, H.J.. |
The Sapotaceae have of old a bad reputation among classificators because of the extreme complexity in which the single features are distributed over its genera, species and individuals. It is, in particular, extremely difficult to find satisfactory generic delimitations and consequently, the family yields a rich field both for lumpers and for splitters. Both categories, and several intermediaries, have given their opinions, as has been recently recalled by Charles Baehni in his “Mémoires sur les Sapotacées I, Système de Classification” (Candollea VII, 1938, 394—508). It is my present purpose to deliver a few annotations with regard to this valuable publication, meant, not in the first place as criticism, but as contributions towards the extensive material... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/535023 |
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Lam, H.J.; Kerpel, D.A.. |
M. (sect. Dasyaulus) subquincuncialis H. J. LAM & D. A. KERPEL, nova species. — Fig. 1. Arbor mediocris. Ramuli teretes, novelli griseo-fulvo-tomentosi. Stipulae subulatae, caducae, pubescentes, 0.2 cm longae. Folia subcoriacea, obovata, basi cuneata, apice breviter obtuseque acuminata vel rotundata vel rare paulo emarginata, 5—10 X 2.5—4.5 cm, subtus minute sparse adpresse ferrugineo-tomentosa, ultimatim glabrata; petioli graciles, supra sulcati, 1.3—2 cm longi; costa media subtus praecipue folii basi prominens, nervi seeundarii graciles, utrinque 11—14, angulo 65°— 75° de costa adscendentes; nervi tertiarii pergraciles, typo § Dasyauli, i. e. prope marginem laxe reticulati, prope costam uno vel nonnullis nervis secundariis brevibus adscendentibus.... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/525289 |
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Gillespie, T.H.; F.R.S.E.; F.Z.S.. |
The Scottish National Zoological Park at Edinburgh has been notably successful in keeping and breeding penguins. It is happy in possessing as a friend and benefactor, Mr Theodore E. Salvesen, head of the firm of Christian Salvesen & Co., Leith, to whose interest and generosity it owes the great number of penguins it has possessed. Of the seventeen known species of penguins, seven are represented in the Park, the king (Aptenodytes patagonica Miller), gentu (Pygoscelis papua Forster), ringed (Pygoscelis antarctica Forster), macaroni (Catarrhactes chrysolophus Brandt), Magellan (Spheniscus magellanicus Forster), Peruvian (Spheniscus humboldti Meyen) and black-footed (Spheniscus demersus L.). The collection has risen as high in number as 180 individuals,... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/504103 |
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Bremekamp, C.E.B.. |
Among the most remarkable finds made by Dr. van Steenis in the higher parts of the mountains of North Sumatra are a number of cushion plants. Two of these he recognized as Rubiaceae nearly related to Hedyotis verticillaris W. et A., a species occurring in similar habitats in the Nilgiri Hills, India, and in Ceylon. Hesitating, however, to express a definite opinion on their taxonomic position, he sent the material to me for further investigation. As I had occupied myself already for some time with the genus Hedyotis L. and its allies, this investigation offered me a Wellcome opportunity to test some of the principles which I had laid down for the subdivision of this group. Apart from the characters of the fruit I lay stress on the position of the... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/534778 |
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Lanjouw, J.. |
De in deze Jubileumserie van de „Mededeelingen van het Botanisch Museum en Herbarium te Utrecht” opgenomen artikelen zijn door de schrijvers ingezonden om Prof. Pulle, ter gelegenheid van zijn zilveren jubileum als hoogleeraar, hun waardeering te toonen. Een kort woord over den jubilaris moge hier als inleiding van deze bijdragen volgen. Op 10 Januari 1878, op den dag dat in verschillende plaatsen den Ioosten sterfdag van Linnaeus werd herdacht, werd August Adriaan Pulle te Arnhem geboren. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/534687 |
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Żabiński, Jan. |
The history of the European bison gives us a most striking example how some species of animals disappear gradually while being deprived of their natural surroundings. In Western Europe, where the increase of population and development of rural settlements showed a quicker progress than in the East of the continent, the bisons were regarded as Royal game already since the VII-th or VIII-th century and attemps have been made to protect them more or less. Nevertheless the area of the distribution of the bison shrank rapidly and at the beginning of the XIX-th century was restricted only to the Białowieza Forest. It should be added, however, that over 50 years ago the occurence of the bisons was discovered also at another place namely on the North-Western... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/504187 |
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Slijper, E.J.. |
INHALTSÜ BERSICHT Abschnitt 1 Einleitung; Material .... 243 I Strandung .... 243 II Material .... 244 Abschnitt 2 Nomenklatur; Geographische Verbreitung; Lebensweise .... 245 I Nomenklatur .... 245 II Geographische Verbreitung .... 246 III Lebensweise .... 249 Abschnitt 3 Äussere Form; Wachstum .... 250 I Äussere Form .... 250 II Wachstum .... 251 Abschnitt 4 Skelett .... 252 I Wirbelsäule .... 252 II Rippen .... 255 III Sternum .... 255 IV Becken .... 257 V Vorderextremität .... 258 VI Schädel .... 260 VII Zähne .... 260 Abschnitt 5 Muskelsystem .... 262 I Der M. scalenus .... 262 II Die Bauchmuskeln .... 263 A Anatomisches .... 263 1 Allgemeine Lage- und Ursprungsverhaltnisse .... 263 2 Die Rectusscheide .... 265 |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 42.84. |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/318156 |
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Corporaal, J.B.. |
Mr. E. A. CHAPIN (in “Classification of the Philippine Components of the Coleopterous family Cleridae”; Philipp. Jrn. Sc. Vol. 25, No. 2, 1924, p. 165— 251) was the first to recognize the Thaneroclerinae as a distinct subfamily of the Cleridae, characterized chiefly by the broadly dilated anterior tarsi and the almost entire eyes. The discovery of a new species from Kashmir and of one from Sumatra has gradually led me to make a complete revision of this interesting group, in which I was very materially assisted by my friend Mr. P. VAN DER WIEL, who also executed all the figures, which accompany this paper, with one exception ¹). Further this work was supported very largely by the help of almost all important scientific institutions and that of some private... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/504196 |
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Barendrecht, G.. |
In spite of the many discussions on this subject, both in literature and meetings of entomological societies, a considerable controversy exists between those entomologists who, for determination, readily resort to a comparison of the hypopygia, this being too often the only part of the insect offering satisfactory species characters, and those who consider this practice beneath the dignity of scientific entomology. As it happened that the writer in the course of several years had to do much work on Fungivoridae, he had ample opportunity to become familiar with this problem. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/503918 |
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Koopmans, R.G.. |
Obgleich es schon mehr als hundert Jahre her ist, dass zum ersten Mal nachgewiesen wurde, dass in der Steinkohle noch erkennbare Pflanzenfragmente anwesend sind, hat doch diese Tatsache bei den Botanikern nur wenig Beobachtung gefunden vom anatomischen oder floristischen Standpunkt, weil im allgemeinen angenommen wurde und wird, dass diese Pflanzenreste so fragmentarisch sind, dass für einen Botaniker nichts damit anzufangen ist. Diese Auffassung ist jedoch nicht richtig. Neben den allbekannten Pflanzenabdrücken und den Strukturzeigenden Versteinerungen verdient die Steinkohle selber ganz bestimmt auch das Interesse der Botaniker. Bei der Untersuchung der Kohle gibt es zwei Hauptrichtungen, welche nebeneinander stehen, eine, welche die Kohle als ein... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/534770 |
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Stiasny, G.. |
1. Ordnung ALCYONARIA (SCLERAXONIA) Unterordnung Stolonifera Familie Cornulariidae Familie Tubiporidae Unterordnung Telestacea Familie Telestidae Unterordnung Alcyonacea Familie Xeniidae Familie Alcyoniidae Familie Nephthyidae Familie Siphonogorgiidae Familie Fasciculariidae Familie Briareidae Familie Paragorgiidae Familie Suberogorgiidae Unterordnung Coralliacea Familie Coralliidae Unterordnung Melitodacea Familie Melitodidae Familie Parisididae 2. Ordnung GORGONARIA (HOLAXONIA) Familie Isididae Familie Plexauridae Familie Gorgoniidae Familie Muriceidae |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 42.72. |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/318977 |
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Ooststroom, S.J. van. |
This is the second contribution to a series of papers dealing with the Convolvulaceae of Malaysia (Malay Peninsula and Archipelago, Philippine Islands and New Guinea). The genera worked out here belong to the tribe Convolvuleae; they are numbered VIII—XV. Genus VII, Erycibe, belonging to the Erycibeae shall be treated afterwards in a special monograph. With regard to the geographic arrangement of the specimens mentioned, some alterations had to be introduced due to the new limitation of the residencies in the island of Java. The names and limits of these residencies are now brought into line with the data of the ”Atlas van Tropisch Nederland“ ²). |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1939 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/525655 |
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Registros recuperados: 97 | |