Registros recuperados: 308 | |
Boschma, H.. |
Moseley (1880, pp. 83-88) published a "List of all the Species of Stylasteridae at present known", remarking that this list is not to be regarded as constituting a revision of the species, but represents an attempt to draw attention to all the species of which an account has been published. This list, which was prepared with the assistance of Dr. F. Brüggemann, of the British Museum, contains sixty species, arranged in twelve genera. The present list contains about one hundred described species of Stylasterina in addition to those mentioned by Moseley. Here again the genera are arranged according to the apparently natural system, while within each genus the species are placed in alphabetical order, an arbitrary arrangement being indicated because generally... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 42.72. |
Ano: 1957 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/317566 |
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Gargantini,H.; Giannotti,O.; Tella,Romeu de. |
No presente trabalho são descritos os resultados obtidos em um experimento sobre determinação da lixiviação do B. H. C. em solo tipo arenito Bauru. Foram utilizados lisímetros monolíticos com estrutura indeformável, que receberam certa quantidade de B.H.C, e água destilada. Tôda a água percolada foi dosada em seu teor em B. H. C. Posteriormente os lisímetros foram abertos e também pesquisado o B. H. C. no solo, a diferentes profundidades. Pelos resultados obtidos verificou-se que, nas condições da experiência, o B. H. C. (isômero gama) não é arrastado em profundidade, ficando retidos nos primeiros 10 cm de solo praticamente 90% do B. H. C. colocado na parte superior. |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Ano: 1957 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0006-87051957000100006 |
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Prell, H.H.. |
Lolium perenne L. staat in de flora’s opgegeven als zodevormend. In het algemeen is dit stellig juist. Wat echter aan floristen minder bekend zal zijn, naar aan grasland-specialisten eerder, is dat er rassen van L. perenne bestaan die korte, ondergrondse uitlopers vormen. Schrijver dezes was er tenminste nogal verwonderd over van Engels Raaigras, groeiende op de kade van het Noorderhoofd in het westelijk havengedeelte van Amsterdam de “grasbosjes” aan korte uitlopers ontsproten te zien. De vindplaats net resten van veekoeken maakte het waarschijnlijk, dat hier agrarische producten verladen werden en dat de L. perenne-planten van aangevoerd “graszaad” afkomstig zijn. Landtouwliteratuur verschafte spoedig de gewenste inlichtingen. In “Ons Grasland” door W.P.... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1957 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/534240 |
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Antunes Filho,H.; Carvalho,Alcides. |
Um conjunto de 24 progênies, derivadas de plantas matrizes selecionadas da variedade Bourbon Vermelho, e outro de 19 grupos de híbridos F1 entre essas plantas matrizes, cada um dêles com 20 plantas, tiveram a produção individual controlada durante os seis primeiros anos. Após esse período, cinco melhores progénies e cinco híbridos F1 num total de 200 plantas, continuaram a ser colhidos individualmente por mais de oito anos consecutivos. De outras progênies e híbridos F1, 139 indivíduos também tiveram a produção controlada por 14 anos. Com os dados obtidos realizou-se um estudo a fim de verificar se a eliminação precoce de progénies menos produtivas, logo após o 2.° ano de produção, redundaria em eliminação de progênies que, após seis anos de produção,... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Ano: 1957 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0006-87051957000100013 |
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Antunes Filho,H.; Carvalho,A.. |
Três progênies isogênicas de café Bourbon Vermelho, duas oriundas de cafeeiros haplóides (357-21 e RP 13) que tiveram os cromossomos duplicados e outra correspondente ao F1 (H 1934) do cruzamento entre esses dois cafeeiros, foram estudadas com relação a vários característicos, em um ensaio tipo látice balanceado, onde entraram 13 outras progênies de origens diversas. Dentre estas destacam-se as progênies Bourbon Vermelho 959 correspondente a S0, 43-18-11 correspondente a S3 do cafeeiro 43 e 43-7-7-15 e 43-7-19-13 correspondente a S4 dessa mesma planta, as quais também foram analisadas com detalhes. Com relação à altura das plantas no campo não se notou heterose no híbrido Fr que apresenta altura média intermediária. Também as autofecundações sucessivas... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Ano: 1957 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0006-87051957000100014 |
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Carvalho,A.; Antunes Filho,H.; Mendes,J. E. T.; Lazzarini,W.; Junqueira Reis,A.; Aloisi Sobrinho,J.; Moraes,M. Vieira de; Nogueira,R, Kerr; Rocha,T. R.. |
Um conjunto de 30 plantas matrizes de Bourbon Amarelo foi selecionado em 1945, em Jaú, na propriedade "Fazendinha". As progênies dêsses cafeeiros foram plantadas nas Estações Experimentais do Instituto Agronômico em Campinas, Ribeirão Preto, Pindorama, Mococa e Jaú, em linhas de 20 plantas. Diversas observações foram feitas relativas ao desenvolvimento dos cafeeiros, produção e tipos de sementes. De maneira geral o desenvolvimento foi considerado muito bom, com exceção de Mococa, onde as plantas apresentaram porte e produção menores devido ao terreno mais pobre onde foram plantadas. Embora tenha havido variações acentuadas no comportamento das progênies quanto à produção, verificou-se que as de n. J 30, J 3, J 8, J 10, J 11 e J 24 classificaram-se como as... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Ano: 1957 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0006-87051957000100028 |
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Zwart, H.J.. |
The relation between orogenic movements and metamorphism is discussed. Schistosity and especially lineations are characteristic for metamorphites of the synkinematic phase. Lineations show a regular pattern. Late-kinematic metamorphism accompanied by different kinds of movement result in irregular rock flowage and rheomorphism. The structures of synkinematic mica-schists, gneisses, amphibolites and marbles are discussed. In the three satellite massifs a series of gneisses and granitic rocks exists which are the products of silica and sodium metasomatism of originally pelitic rocks. The time and duration of the metamorphism determines the final state of the rocks. Synkinematic metamorphism alone gave rise to the garnet-augen-gneisses which, being rather... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1957 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/505887 |
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Steenis, C.G.G.J. van. |
The only record of Thesium in Malaysia was hitherto the Southern Chinese Thesium psilotoides Hance from medium altitudes of the Benguet and Bontoe Mountain Provinces in North Luzon, according to Merrill (Enum. Philip. Fl. Pl. 2, 1923, 115), occurring between 1200 and 1500 m. The same species has also been found in the Lesser Sunda Islands, Sumba Island, by C. N. A. de Voogd (E. Sumba, 300 m, limestone quarry, De Voogd 1873 (80, L), Dec. 1, 1934, plant pale green, fruit yellow, flower white). The Sumba specimens exactly match the Philippine specimens. Species like this one, with a very short calyx tube, look astonishingly like Halorrhagis, in habit, but possess 5-merous flowers, lack bulbous-based hairs, and show a peculiarly cartilaginous leaf apex. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1957 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/524804 |
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NN. |
9th Pacific Science Congress, Bangkok. According to the Preliminary Announcement the Congress will take place Nov. 18- —Dec. 9, 1957. Organising chairman is M.C. Lak Kashemsanta, Dep. of Agriculture, Bangkok. Fifteen general subjects have been entered for contributing papers and discussion, viz: (a) Problems confronting tropical botanical institutions, (b) Vegetation types of the Pacific basin, (1) Tropical, (2) Temperate, (c) Ethnobotany of Thailand and contiguous countries, (d) Vernacular names of Pacific plants. (e) Phycology in the Pacific basin. (f) Algal ecology, with special reference to coral reefs and atolls. (g) Bibliographic problems in the natural sciences in the Pacific. (h) The teaching of botany and the training of botanists in the tropics.... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1957 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/533214 |
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Nouvel, H.. |
Dans les régions alluviales plates et basses, voisines des rivages, dans les îles de Java et Madura, les indigènes ont creusé et organisé un système très dense d'étangs dans lesquels la mer pénètre par des canaux, à marée haute, et peut être retenue par des vannes. Ces étangs qui sont destinés surtout à l'élevage de Poissons et de Crustacés, portent le nom local de tambak. Ils jouent un rôle assez considérable dans l'économie des deux îles où ils occupent plus de 800 km2 et 250.000 personnes, environ, vivent de leur exploitation. La principale production en est un poisson marin, Chanos chanos (Forsk.) ressemblant au Hareng (localement: bandeng). Ce poisson qui grandit rapidement dans les étangs en question, ne s'y multiplie pas et y est introduit à l'état... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: 42.74. |
Ano: 1957 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/318012 |
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Cowan, Richard S.. |
For several years, The New York Botanical Garden has conducted a study of vegetation overlying certain ferruginous areas principally in Venezuela. During the winter of 1954-55, field work was organized to continue reconnaissance of plant-cover growing on iron-cap or ore-bodies in northeastern Brazil, French Guiana, Suriname, and British Guiana. In addition to studies in iron-bearing localities, observations and some statistical studies were made on manganiferous and bauxitic deposits in the region of Guiana. Dr. Cowan spent the period October-March in the field. We were together for the first three weeks, and again in the fore-part of January. Dr. Jan C. Lindeman of Utrecht accompanied Dr. Cowan for two weeks to Nassau-gebergte in Suriname. Independently I... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1957 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/535164 |
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Prell, H.H.. |
Eerder dan verwacht, ontving ik een aanvulling op de in mijn vorig opstel genoemde geschriften, waarin over de rassen van L. perenne mededelingen voorkomen. De reactie kwam van het Instituut voor Biologisch en Scheikundig Onderzoek van Landbouwgewassen, Afd. Vegetatiekunde, Wageningen. Dit schrijven bleek tevens een belangrijke completering te bevatten op het door W. P. Cnossen, “Ons Grasland” reeds ter kennis gebrachte. De inhoud van de brief volgt hier: “Het artikel: “Lolium perenne met korte uitlopers”, voorkomend in het Correspondentieblad no. 3 van 1 april 1957, had onze speciale aandacht. |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Ano: 1957 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/534119 |
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Registros recuperados: 308 | |