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Bone densitometry and calcium serum levels in chickens treated with filtered or unfiltered water 89
Amoroso,L; Baraldi,ASM; Barreiro,FR; Pacheco,MR; Alva,JCR; Soares,NM; Pacheco,LG; Melaré,MC.
The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the drinking water of the School of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences, UNESP, Jaboticabal, Brazil, affected bone mineral density and serum calcium levels of 14-, 21-, and 45-day-old broilers. Bone mineral density (BMD) of the tibiae was assessed using optical densitometry radiographic technique and serum calcium levels. Tibial BMD increased as broilers aged, and achieved its peak at 45 days of age. It was higher in the distal epiphysis of the birds that ingested filtered water (p<0.05) compared with those supplied with unfiltered water. Therefore, it is concluded that filtered water promoted better bone quality in relative to those ingested unfiltered water.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bone mineral density; Broilers; Serum calcium levels; Tibia; Water quality.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Effect of High Incubation Temperature on the Blood Parameters of Layer Chicks 89
Sgavioli,S; Santos,ET; Domingues,CHF; Quadros,TCO; Castiblanco,DMC; Andrade-Garcia,GM; Amoroso,L; Nääs,IA; Garcia,RG; Baraldi-Artoni,SM.
ABSTRACT Adequate environmental temperature control is essential for incubation efficiency. Layer breeder eggs (n=360) were weighed and distributed in a completely randomized experimental design with two treatments, consisting of two incubation temperatures (T1=37.5 °C, control; and T2=39.0 °C, hot), with two incubators per temperature, and 90 eggs per incubator, totaling 360 eggs. Hatchability, embryo mortality, and chick cloacal and body surface temperatures were not affected by incubation temperature. Eggs incubated at the hot temperature presented greater egg mass loss and higher eggshell conductance than those incubated at the control temperature. Layer chicks derived from eggs incubated at control temperature showed greater absolute weight, yolk-free...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Body weight; Cloacal temperature; Conductance; Hatchability; Loss of mass.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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