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A Measurement Quality Factor for Swath Bathymetry Sounders 5
Lurton, Xavier; Augustin, Jean-marie.
The quality estimation associated with individual soundings measured and computed by swath bathymetry sonars is a paramount issue which is most often imperfectly addressed today by sonar manufacturers. In this paper, a unified definition is proposed for a quality factor usable for all swath bathymetry sonars; the depth-relative error is directly estimated from the signal characteristics used in the sounding computation. The basic algorithms are presented for both phase-difference (oblique incidence) and amplitude (normal incidence) detection, and can be readily implemented in any swath bathymetry system using these detection principles. This approach gives a direct access to the objective bathymetric performance of individual soundings, and hence avoids...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bathymetry; Interferometry; Multibeam echosounder (MBES); Sonar.
Ano: 2010
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A quality estimator of acoustic sounding detection 5
Lurton, Xavier; Ladroit, Yoann; Augustin, Jean-marie.
Swath sonar bathymetry accuracy depends on the intrinsic performance of acoustic signal processing. We propose here a quality factor, quantifying the accuracy associated with every sounding computation. This descriptor is derived from simple models either for amplitude (variance of the centre-of-gravity instant of a fluctuating bell-shaped envelope) or for interferometric phase (local variance for a number of processed samples). The purpose is to attach to each individual sounding an objective quality level that is sonar independent, and directly applicable in bathymetry processing, either in data editing, or as an input parameter to statistical post-processing. This concept is illustrated by examples from experimental data.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Analysis of seafloor backscatter strength dependence on the survey azimuth using multibeam echosounder data 5
Lurton, Xavier; Eleftherakis, Dimitrios; Augustin, Jean-marie.
The sediment backscatter strength measured by multibeam echosounders is a key feature for seafloor mapping either qualitative (image mosaics) or quantitative (extraction of classifying features). An important phenomenon, often underestimated, is the dependence of the backscatter level on the azimuth angle imposed by the survey line directions: strong level differences at varying azimuth can be observed in case of organized roughness of the seabed, usually caused by tide currents over sandy sediments. This paper presents a number of experimental results obtained from shallow-water cruises using a 300-kHz multibeam echosounder and specially dedicated to the study of this azimuthal effect, with a specific configuration of the survey strategy involving a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Azimuth dependence; Seafloor backscatter; Multibeam echosounder; Sand ripples.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Backscatter calibration of high-frequency multibeam echosounder using a reference single-beam system, on natural seafloor 5
Eleftherakis, Dimitrios; Berger, Laurent; Le Bouffant, Naig; Pacault, Anne; Augustin, Jean-marie; Lurton, Xavier.
The calibration of multibeam echosounders for backscatter measurements can be conducted efficiently and accurately using data from surveys over a reference natural area, implying appropriate measurements of the local absolute values of backscatter. Such a shallow area (20-m mean depth) has been defined and qualified in the Bay of Brest (France), and chosen as a reference area for multibeam systems operating at 200 and 300 kHz. The absolute reflectivity over the area was measured using a calibrated single-beam fishery echosounder (Simrad EK60) tilted at incidence angles varying between 0° and 60° with a step of 3°. This reference backscatter level is then compared to the average backscatter values obtained by a multibeam echosounder (here a Kongsberg EM...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Calibration; Seafloor backscatter; Multibeam echosounder; Single-beam echosounder.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Control of the repeatability of high frequency multibeam echosounder backscatter by using natural reference areas 5
Roche, Marc; Degrendele, Koen; Vrignaud, Christophe; Loyer, Sophie; Le Bas, Tim; Augustin, Jean-marie; Lurton, Xavier.
The increased use of backscatter measurements in time series for environmental monitoring necessitates the comparability of individual results. With the current lack of pre-calibrated multibeam echosounder systems for absolute backscatter measurement, a pragmatic solution is the use of natural reference areas for ensuring regular assessment of the backscatter measurement repeatability. This method mainly relies on the assumption of a sufficiently stable reference area regarding its backscatter signature. The aptitude of a natural area to provide a stable and uniform backscatter response must be carefully considered and demonstrated by a sufficiently long time-series of measurements. Furthermore, this approach requires a strict control of the acquisition...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Multibeam echosounder; Seafloor backscatter; Repeatability; Calibration; Reference area; Monitoring.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Definition and Application of a Quality Estimator for Multibeam Echosounders 5
Ladroit, Yoann; Lurton, Xavier; Sintes, Christophe; Augustin, Jean-marie; Garello, Rene.
For modern multibeam echosounders, the use of a robust and reliable quality estimator associated with each sounding is an absolute necessity. Indeed, due to the large volume of data acquired, a lot of time is lost, both during the survey and the post-processing. This is a costly problem for hydrographers. The definition of a quality estimator based on the characteristics of the beamformed signal gives an answer to this problem. It has been successfully implemented by several sonar manufacturers and its relevance in measuring the quality of each sounding has been demonstrated. The defined Quality Factor can also be used directly in the sonar measurement process, such as in detection algorithm, in order to improve the performance of the systems. This makes...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Fluid Seepage in Relation to Seabed Deformation on the Central Nile Deep-Sea Fan, Part 1: Evidence from Sidescan Sonar Data 5
Dano, Alexandre; Praeg, Daniel; Migeon, Sebastien; Augustin, Jean-marie; Ceramicola, Silvia; Ketzer, Joao Marcelo; Augustin, Adolfo Herbert; Ducassou, Emmanuelle; Mascle, Jean.
The central Nile Deep-Sea Fan contains a broad area of seabed destabilisation in association with fluid seepage: slope-parallel sediment undulations are associated with multibeam high-backscatter patches (HBPs) related to authigenic carbonates. During the 2011 APINIL campaign, a deep-towed sidescan and profiling system (SAR) was used to acquire high-resolution data along three transects across water depths of 1,700-2,650 m. Three seabed domains are distinguished, all developed within stratified sediments overlying mass-transport deposits (MTDs). Upslope of the undulations (<1,950 m), sidescan HBPs record focused fluid seepage via seabed cracks. In the western area of undulations, sidescan HBPs are distinct from intermediate-backscatter patches (IBPs)...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fluid seepage; Sediment deformation; Backscatter; Gas flares.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Fusion of textural statistics using a similarity measure: application to texture recognition and segmentation 5
Karoui, I; Fablet, Ronan; Boucher, J; Pieczynski, W; Augustin, Jean-marie.
Features computed as statistics (e.g. histograms) of local filter responses have been reported as the most powerful descriptors for texture classification and segmentation. The selection of the filter banks remains however a crucial issue, as well as determining a relevant combination of these descriptors. To cope with selection and fusion issues, we propose a novel approach relying on the definition of the texture-based similarity measure as a weighted sum of the Kullback-Leibler measures between empirical feature statistics. Within a supervised framework, the weighting factors are estimated according to the maximization of a margin-based criterion. This weighting scheme can also be considered as a filter selection method: texture filter response...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: MRF based texture segmentation; Texture recognition; Feature fusion and selection; Non parametric feature statistics.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Gas and seismicity within the Istanbul seismic gap 5
Geli, Louis; Henry, P.; Grall, Celine; Tary, Jean-baptiste; Lomax, A.; Batsi, Evangelia; Riboulot, Vincent; Cros, Estelle; Gurbuz, C.; Isik, S. E.; Sengor, A. M. C.; Le Pichon, X.; Ruffine, Livio; Dupre, Stephanie; Thomas, Yannick; Kalafat, D.; Bayrakci, G.; Coutellier, Q.; Regnier, Thibaut; Westbrook, Graham; Saritas, H.; Cifci, G.; Cagatay, M. N.; Ozeren, M. S.; Gorur, N.; Tryon, M.; Bohnhoff, M.; Gasperini, L.; Klingelhoefer, Frauke; Scalabrin, Carla; Augustin, Jean-marie; Embriaco, D.; Marinaro, G.; Frugoni, F.; Monna, S.; Etiope, G.; Favali, P.; Becel, A..
Understanding micro-seismicity is a critical question for earthquake hazard assessment. Since the devastating earthquakes of Izmit and Duzce in 1999, the seismicity along the submerged section of North Anatolian Fault within the Sea of Marmara (comprising the “Istanbul seismic gap”) has been extensively studied in order to infer its mechanical behaviour (creeping vs locked). So far, the seismicity has been interpreted only in terms of being tectonic-driven, although the Main Marmara Fault (MMF) is known to strike across multiple hydrocarbon gas sources. Here, we show that a large number of the aftershocks that followed the M 5.1 earthquake of July, 25th 2011 in the western Sea of Marmara, occurred within a zone of gas overpressuring in the 1.5–5 km depth...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Les risques conchylicoles en Baie de Quiberon. Deuxième partie : le risque de prédation sur l’huître creuse Crassostrea gigas. Rapport final du projet Risco 2010-2013 5
Mazurie, Joseph; Stanisiere, Jean-yves; Bouget, Jean-francois; Langlade, Aime; Leclerc, Emilie; Quinsat, Kevin; Herve, Gilles; Augustin, Jean-marie; Ehrhold, Axel; Sinquin, Jean-marc; Meidi-deviarni, Ika; Goubert, Evelyne; Cochet, Helene; Dreano, Alain.
This study (“Risco”), implicating both industry, socio-economic experts and biologists, was funded by the Regional Council of Brittany, for 3 years (2010-2012), to investigate about the causes of oysters (Crassostrea gigas) mortalities in the bay of Quiberon (South Brittany, France). The protocol including both a sonar and video visualization of the bottom, and a monthly survey of 15 experimental oyster structures, allowed to assess the risk due to predation. A clear spatial distribution of the predatory effect was evidenced, with starfish (Asterias rubens and Marthasterias glacialis) predominating in the North-East sector, and boring snails (Ocenebra erinacea and Pterophora inornata) in the South-Center area.. The main mortalities from these predators...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Baie de Quiberon; Huître; Crassostrea gigas; Risque; Mortalité; Prédation; Étoiles de mer; Bigorneaux perceurs; Risco; Bay of Quiberon; Oyster; Crassostrea gigas; Risk; Mortality; Predation; Starfish; Oyster drills; Risco.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Les risques conchylicoles en Baie de Quiberon. Troisième partie : le risque d’hypoxie pour l’huître creuse Crassostrea gigas. Rapport final du projet Risco 2010-2013 5
Stanisiere, Jean-yves; Mazurie, Joseph; Bouget, Jean-francois; Langlade, Aime; Gabellec, Raoul; Retho, Michael; Quinsat, Kevin; Leclerc, Emilie; Cugier, Philippe; Dussauze, Morgan; Menesguen, Alain; Dumas, Franck; Gohin, Francis; Augustin, Jean-marie; Ehrhold, Axel; Sinquin, Jean-marc; Goubert, Evelyne; Dreano, Alain.
The project “Risco”, supported by the “Pôle Mer” and funded by the Regional Council of Brittany, deals with specific risks of mortality of oysters, Crassostrea gigas, cultivated on the bottom, in a subtidal bay of South Brittany : the bay of Quiberon (56, France). Massive mortalities of oysters were reported in summer 2006 in this bay, exclusively located in the deep muddy area with a positive gradient eastward. A validated biogeochemical model was applied in order to simulate the dissolved oxygen over 2000-2006 : it revealed several episodes of hypoxia, more or less intense according to years, but with the same spatial distribution. This approach proved 2006 to be the most hypoxic year since 2000. The hypoxia was due to a rare conjunction of 3 factors :...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Baie Quiberon; Crassostrea gigas; Huître; Mortalité; Croissance; Hypoxie; Oxygène; Modèle; Upwelling; Loire; Vilaine; Quiberon; Crassostrea gigas; Oyster; Mortality; Growth; Hypoxia; Oxygen; Model; DEB; Upwelling; Loire; Vilaine.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Quantitative characterisation of seafloor substrate and bedforms using advanced processing of multibeam backscatter-Application to Cook Strait, New Zealand 5
Lamarche, Geoffroy; Lurton, Xavier; Verdier, Anne-laure; Augustin, Jean-marie.
A comprehensive EM300 multibeam echo-sounder dataset acquired from Cook Strait, New Zealand, is used to develop a regional-scale objective characterisation of the seafloor. Sediment samples and high-resolution seismic data are used for ground-truthing. SonarScope (R) software is used to process the data, including signal corrections from sensor bias, specular reflection compensation and speckle noise filtering aiming at attenuating the effects of recording equipment, seafloor topography, and water column. The processing is completed by correlating a quantitative description (the Generic Seafloor Acoustic Backscatter-GSAB model) with the backscatter data. The calibrated Backscattering Strength (BS) is used to provide information on the physical...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Backscatter; Multibeam echo-sounder; Sediment waves; Habitat mapping.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Region based variational approach for the segmentation textured sonar images 5
Karoui, Imen; Fablet, Ronan; Boucher, Jean-marc; Augustin, Jean-marie.
We propose a new region-based segmentation of textured sonar images with respect to seafloor types. We characterize sea-floor types by a set of empirical distributions estimated on texture responses to a set of different filters and we introduce a novel similarity measure between sonar textures in this attribute space. Our similarity measure is defined as a weighted sum of Kullback-Leibler divergences between texture features. The texture similarity measure weight setting is twofold: first we weight each filter, according to its discrimination power, the computation of these weights are issued from the margin maximization criterion, Second, we add an additional weighting, evaluated as an angular distance between the incidence angles of the compared texture...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Level sets; Active regions; Segmentation; Angular backscattering; Feature selection; Sonar images; Texture.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Results from the First Phase of the Seafloor Backscatter Processing Software Inter-Comparison Project 5
Malik, Mashkoor; Schimel, Alexandre C. G.; Masetti, Giuseppe; Roche, Marc; Le Deunf, Julian; Dolan, Margaret F.j.; Beaudoin, Jonathan; Augustin, Jean-marie; Hamilton, Travis; Parnum, Iain.
Seafloor backscatter mosaics are now routinely produced from multibeam echosounder data and used in a wide range of marine applications. However, large differences (>5 dB) can often be observed between the mosaics produced by different software packages processing the same dataset. Without transparency of the processing pipeline and the lack of consistency between software packages raises concerns about the validity of the final results. To recognize the source(s) of inconsistency between software, it is necessary to understand at which stage(s) of the data processing chain the differences become substantial. To this end, willing commercial and academic software developers were invited to generate intermediate processed backscatter results from a common...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Acoustic backscatter processing; Multibeam Echo Sounders; Seafloor mapping.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Seabed segmentation using optimized statistics of sonar textures 5
Karoui, I; Fablet, R; Boucher, J.m.; Augustin, Jean-marie.
We propose and compare two supervised algorithms of the segmentation of textured sonar images with respect to seafloor types. We characterize sea-floors by a set of empirical distributions estimated on texture responses for a wide set of different filters with various parameterizations and we introduce a novel similarity measure between sonar textures in this feature space. Our similarity measure is defined as a weighted sum of Kullback-Leibler divergences between texture features. The weight setting is twofold. First each filter is weighted according to its discrimination power: the computation of these weights are issued from a margin maximization criterion. Second, an additional weight, evaluated as an angular distance between the incidence angles of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Level sets; Active regions; MMP; Segmentation; Angular backscattering; Feature selection; Sonar images; Texture.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Tectonic and sedimentary controls on widespread gas emissions in the Sea of Marmara: Results from systematic, shipborne multibeam echo sounder water column imaging 5
Dupre, Stephanie; Scalabrin, Carla; Grall, Celine; Augustin, Jean-marie; Henry, Pierre; Sengor, A. M. Celal; Goeruer, Naci; Cagatay, M. Namik; Geli, Louis.
Understanding of the evolution of fluid-fault interactions during earthquake cycles is a challenge that acoustic gas emission studies can contribute. A survey of the Sea of Marmara using a shipborne, multibeam echo sounder, with water column records, provided an accurate spatial distribution of offshore seeps. Gas emissions are spatially controlled by a combination of factors, including fault and fracture networks in connection to the Main Marmara Fault system and inherited faults, the nature and thickness of sediments (e.g., occurrence of impermeable or gas-bearing sediments and landslides), and the connectivity between the seafloor and gas sources, particularly in relation to the Eocene Thrace Basin. The relationship between seepage and fault activity is...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fluid emissions; Gas; Water column acoustics; Multibeam echo sounder; Sea of Marmara; Tectonics.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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The use of multibeam backscatter and bathymetry as a means of identifying faunal assemblages in a deep-sea cold seep 5
Sen, Arunima; Ondreas, Helene; Gaillot, Arnaud; Marcon, Yann; Augustin, Jean-marie; Olu, Karine.
Deep-sea ecosystems have attracted considerable commercial interest in recent years because of their potential to sustain a diverse range of mankind's industrial needs. If these systems are to be preserved or exploited in a sustainable manner, mapping habitats and species distributions is critical. As biodiversity at cold-seeps or other deep-sea ecosystems is driven by habitat heterogeneity, imagery is the obvious choice for characterizing these systems and has indeed proven extremely valuable towards mapping biogenic habitats formed by dense aggregations of large sized species, such as coral reefs, tubeworm bushes or bivalve beds. However, the acquisition of detailed images with resolution sufficient for reliable identification is extremely time...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mapping; Cold seeps; Multibeam; Bathymetry; Backscatter; Biogenic habitats.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Variational Region-Based Segmentation Using Multiple Texture Statistics 5
Karoui, Imen; Fablet, Ronan; Boucher, Jean-marc; Augustin, Jean-marie.
This paper investigates variational region-level criterion for supervised and unsupervised texture-based image segmentation. The focus is given to the demonstration of the effectiveness and robustness of this region-based formulation compared to most common variational approaches. The main contributions of this global criterion are twofold. First, the proposed methods circumvent a major problem related to classical texture based segmentation approaches. Existing methods, even if they use different and various texture features, are mainly stated as the optimization of a criterion evaluating punctual pixel likelihoods or similarity measure computed within a local neighborhood. These approaches require sufficient dissimilarity between the considered texture...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Active regions; Level sets; Nonparametric distributions; Supervised and unsupervised segmentation; Texture similarity measure.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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