Registros recuperados: 47 | |
Zipp, Katharina A.; Barth, Kerstin; Knierim, Ute. |
Farmers who are interested to rear calves together with the dairy cows during the first weeks of life are confronted with problems of poor milk let-down during machine milking. Therefore it was investigated whether 3 calf-associated stimuli were capable to enhance milkability of the cows. In this contribution, the effect of the stimulations during milking on heart rate (HR) and agitation (rumination, posture of the head and behaviour during udder preparation)are presented. Olfactory (calf hair), tactile (teat massage) and acoustic(recorded calf calls)stimulation were tested on 15 dairy cows with permanent contact to their calves and 22 control cows. All cows were milked twice daily. Stimulation tests were conducted in 3 consecutive weeks during day 25–51... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Health and welfare. |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/23965/1/23965_MM.pdf |
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Hoffmann, Lena; Hörning, Bernhard; Barth, Kerstin. |
Ziel der Studie war die Erhebung von Erfahrungen aus der Praxis mit muttergebundener Aufzucht bei Milchschafen. Es wurden 11 Leitfadengestützte Experteninterviews geführt. Die Betriebe unterschieden sich in ihren Aufzuchtmethoden vor allem durch Beginn des Melkens (Spanne 1. - 56. Tag nach der Geburt), Anzahl Melkungen am Tag (1 oder 2), Dauer des Kontakts zwischen Mutterschafen und Lämmern (ganz- oder halbtags), sowie der Dauer der Säugeperiode (45 - 183 Tage), bei z.T. sehr unterschiedlichen Kombinationen. Die Betriebsleiter waren trotz der reduzierten Milchmenge zufrieden mit ihren Aufzuchtmethoden. |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Animal husbandry; Feeding and growth. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/26846/1/26846_hoffmann.pdf |
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Barth, Kerstin; Burow, Elke; Knappstein, Karin; Ubben, Ernst-Heinrich. |
Sheep milk production is not very common in Germany. Only 10,000 sheep are used for milking. However, a considerable number of farmers work according to the stan-dards of organic farming. Only farm dairies process the milk and sell the products directly to the consumer. Thus, the quality of the raw milk has to be high although the EU regulations for sheep milk are not as strict as for cow’s milk. Animal recording is not a standard in dairy sheep production and farmers lack the information which might be gained by this monthly monitoring of each animal. Animal side tests are necessary and the aim of our study was to investigate the usability of conductivity measurement as an indicator of sub clinical mastitis in ewes. Data were collected from 164 ewes in... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Sheep and goats; Health and welfare. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/9098/1/9098_Barth_Poster.pdf |
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Martin, Guillaume; Barth, Kerstin; Blanc, Mathilde; Dumont, Bertrand; Hübner, Severin; Magne, Marie-Angélina; Mosnier, Claire; Primi, Riccardo; Schanz, Lisa; Werne, Steffen; Winckler, Christoph. |
1 – Introduction Responding to the many sustainability issues related to modern industrial agriculture (air, soil and water pollution, biodiversity loss, etc.), the diversity argument was brought forward by scientists (Kremen et al., 2012). Diversified farming systems intentionally include functional agrobiodiversity, i.e. crops, seeded and permanent pastures, rangelands and animal genotypes and species chosen by the farmer to manage his farm. These systems presumably provide ecosystem services while reducing the input needed for production. Agrobiodiversity is also assumed to strengthen the robustness and resilience of livestock farming systems. Because of their inherent complexity, research on diversified farming systems is limited. Literature on the... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Farming Systems; Animal husbandry. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/36607/1/Full%20paper%20MIX-ENABLE_VF.DOCX |
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Aulrich, Karen; Barth, Kerstin; Stuhr, Tanja; Larsen, Torben. |
At present the analysis of somatic cell count (SCC) used for the detection of intramammary infections in cows is also recommended for goats, but due to various factors influencing SCC it allows only limited conclusions on the udder health of goats. The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of infection status on different milk enzyme activities and SCC throughout the early lactation. 60 dairy goats were sampled at weekly intervals over a period of six weeks after kidding and the bacteriological status, milk SCC and the activity of N-acetyl-ß-D-glucosaminidase (NAGase), ß-glucuronidase (ß-glu) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) of udder halves were analysed. The infection status had a highly significant effect on SCC, ß-glu and LDH... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Health and welfare. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/21449/1/21449_Aulrich.pdf |
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Barth, Kerstin; Murk, Katrin; Brinkmann, Jan; March, Solveig; Volling, Otto; Weiler, Martin; Weiß, Martin; Drerup, Christoph; Krömker, Volker. |
The use of bedding materials of natural source is a requirement of the EU regulation of organic husbandry considering the needs of animals for dry comfortable lying areas. However, organic bedding materials provide an environment for mastitis pathogens, too and therefore increase the risk of intramammary infections if not well managed. |
Tipo: Book chapter |
Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Health and welfare; Knowledge management. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/19862/1/616_OEL_Barth_Ressortforschung_2010.pdf |
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Barth, Kerstin; Koopmann, Regine. |
Effects of subclinical parasitism on productivity parameters like milk yield and fat have been described previously in cows. Until now only a few data were reported for goats. Two main topics of the institute’s research focus on milking of small ruminants and strategies to reduce anthelmintic treatments. In 2003 45 goats were monitored during lactation. Milk yield and milk composition (fat, protein, lactose) were registered monthly. Every two weeks, samples for cyto-bacteriological analysis were gained of each half of the udder. At the end of April the grazing season started and individual faecal samples were collected monthly. A first data evaluation showed no significant relationship between the severity of the infection with... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health Sheep and goats Health and welfare. |
Ano: 2004 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/3460/1/3460.pdf |
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Barth, Kerstin; Aulrich, Karen; Haufe, Helge Christiane; Knappstein, Karin; Müller, Ute; Schaub, Dagmar; Schulz, Franz. |
Der Zeitraum der ansteigenden Milchleistung nach dem Kalben birgt ein höheres Risiko, dass die Tiere an Stoffwechselstörungen oder Mastitis erkranken. Die rechtlichen Regelungen für den ökologischen Landbau verschärfen dieses Risiko durch die Limitierung des Kraftfuttereinsatzes, fordern aber auch von den Landwirten mit Hilfe angepasster Rassen, dieses Problem anzugehen. Die vorliegende Studie zielte auf den Vergleich von zwei verschiedenen Rassen, die unter den gleichen Managementbedingungen gehalten wurden und einem Vergleich von zwei Betrieben, die zwar die gleiche Rasse hielten, sich aber im Management unterschieden. Es sollte geprüft werden ob die Rasse oder das Management entscheidender für den Eutergesundheits- und Stoffwechselstatus der Kühe in den... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Health and welfare. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/17471/3/Barth_17471.pdf |
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Aulrich, Karen; Barth, Kerstin; Knappstein, Karin. |
Die subklinische Mastitis spielt bei Milchziegen eine ähnlich große Rolle wie bei Milchkühen. Kriterien zur Einschätzung des Eutergesundheitsstatus bei Milchziegen sind bisher nicht festgelegt. Da die Standarddiagnostik (bei Milchkühen), die auf Zellzahl und bakteriologischem Befund beruht, bei Ziegen aufgrund mangelnder Eignung des Indikators Zellzahl nicht ohne Berücksichtigung sie beeinflussender Faktoren (z.B. Laktationsstadium, Brunst) angewendet werden kann, sollten im Projektverlauf verschiedene physiologische Indikatoren auf ihre Eignung geprüft werden. Dazu wurde eine Milchziegenherde (63 Tiere) über eine gesamte Laktation wöchentlich beprobt und die Milchproben umfassend analysiert auf: Zellzahl, bakteriologischen Befund, elektrische... |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Sheep and goats; Health and welfare. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/35258/1/35258-08OE178-vTI-aulrich-2013-eutergesundheit-milchziegen.pdf |
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Aulrich, Karen; Barth, Kerstin; Knappstein, Karin; Schulz, Franz. |
Milchkühe unterliegen in den ersten Wochen nach der Abkalbung, dem Zeitraum höchster Stoffwechselbelastung, einem besonderen Erkrankungsrisiko. Die Regelun¬gen des ökologischen Landbaus fordern die Wahl geeigneter standort¬angepasster Rassen, klare Empfehlungen existieren aber bisher nicht. Ziel der Untersuchung war ein Monitoring des Infektionsstatus von Tieren der Rasse Deutsche Holstein-Schwarzbunt (DH) und Deutschen Rotbunten im Doppelnutzungstyp (Rbt) unter gleichen Management¬bedingungen in den ersten 5 Wochen nach der Abkalbung. Weiterhin wurde untersucht, ob sich der Infektionsstatus von DH bei variierenden Management¬bedingungen unterschied. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine höhere Infektionsrate für die Rbt. Die vorherrschenden Mastitiserreger in beiden... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Health and welfare. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/17606/5/Aulrich_17606.pdf |
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Barth, Kerstin. |
Eutererkrankungen sind nicht der Krankheitskomplex, der an erster Stelle genannt wird, wenn man an Krankheiten bei kleinen Wiederkäuern denkt. Trotzdem haben sie vermutlich eine gleich große Bedeutung wie bei Milchkühen. Ganz besonders wenn man die Milchleistungsminderungen in Betracht zieht, welche durch die subklinische, d. h. durch visuelle Beurteilung des Vorgemelks und des Euterzustandes nicht erkennbare, Form der Mastitis betrachtet. In der erwerbsmäßigen Milchschaf- bzw. Milchziegenhaltung kommt der Gesunderhaltung des wichtigsten „Betriebsmittels“, dem Euter, somit eine ganz besondere Bedeutung zu. Dabei muss die Prophylaxe in Form einer tiergerechten Haltung, leistungsgerechten Fütterung sowie eines Euter schonenden Milchentzugs stets im... |
Tipo: Book chapter |
Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Sheep and goats; Health and welfare. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/17036/1/488_Eutergesundheit_SchaZies_Barth_in_Praxis_trifft_Forschung_09.pdf |
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Kälber, Tasja; Aulrich, Karen; Barth, Kerstin; Böhm, Herwart; Bussemas, Ralf; Fischer, Jenny; Höinghaus, Kathrin; Weißmann, Friedrich. |
In organic farming, appropriate protein feeding is challenging based on regional or farm-grown resources. Therefore, feeding maize-bean-silage to dairy cows and fattening pigs could be a viable option to increase the protein content in the diet. However, anti-nutritional compounds might impair animal performance. When exchanging maize silage with maize-bean-silage in the diet of dairy cows, no detrimental effects could be detected. Similarly, the on-top feeding of maize-beansilage to pigs revealed no differences in regard to animal performance compared to a grass-clover diet. Thus, the inclusion of a certain amount of maize-bean-silage in the diet of dairy cows and fattening pigs had no negative effects on the animals. Further studies are going to... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle Cereals; Pulses and oilseeds Feeding and growth Pigs Root crops. |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/31841/1/Mais-Stangenbohnen-Silage%20als%20Futtermittel%20f%C3%BCr%20Milchk%C3%BChe.pdf |
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Barth, Kerstin; Frank, Katharina; Häußermann, Angelika; Aulrich, Karen; Krömker, Volker. |
The rule to use bedding materials of organic provenance might increase the risk of mammary infections caused by environmental pathogens in organic dairy farming. This study focused on the chain of infection and investigated the presence of the same pathogens in the bedding material, on the teat skin, in the teat canal and in fore-milk samples of organic dairy cows. In 30 farms, one front and one hind quarter of 10 randomly selected cows were sampled. Farms were visited twice. Results revealed that only a few farms used bedding with counts of esculin-positive Streptococci and E. coli above the recommended threshold. Most of the straw samples had increased concentrations of coliforme bacteria, but no correlation between these counts and specific management... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Health and welfare. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/21363/1/21363_barth.pdf |
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Registros recuperados: 47 | |