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L'escarpement apulien et le promontoire de Céphalonie: marge septentrionale du bassin Ionien (synthèse des données des campagnes à la mer Escarmed) ArchiMer
Charier, S; Biju-duval, B; Morel, Y; Rossi, S; Groupe ESCARMED.
This article cantains the data gathered during the Escarmed campaigns carried out by the Comité d'Études Pétrolières Marines (CEPM) and the Centre National pour J'Exploitation des Océans (CNEXO) and situates theïr interpretation within the framework of what is known about the Apulian subsea platform or the Apulian plateau. It includes: (a) Two 1 :100,000th bathymetric maps giving details of the southern dm of the Apulian plateau and the Cephalonian scarp. (b) An analysis of the morphology of these scarps, mainly governed by the active tectonics and considerable erosion of the carbonate cliffs. (c) A review of seismic and stratigraphie data showing a subsidence of this damain during the entire la te Cretaceous. (d) A discussion of the history of these...
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Ano: 1988 URL:
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Outline and results of the CYAMAZ Cruise (Mazagan Escarpment, West-Morocco) ArchiMer
Auzende, J M; Rad, Uvon; Ruellan, E; Biju-duval, B; Cepek, P; Cousin, M; Dostmann, H.
In September-October 1982, a joint German-French project to explore the Mazagan (El Jadida) escarpment and plateau was carried out with the French submersible sp 3000 Cyana . The main purpose of CYAMAZ cruise was to observe and sample the steepest part of the escarpment where previous works suggest that the oldest series (since Jurassic) of the infilling of the Central Atlantic Ocean are outcropping. In this paper the authors present the main outline and results of the eighteen dives operated during the CYAMAZ cruise. These results essentially concern the stratigraphy and structure of the sedimentary series outcropping along the Mazagan escarpment. The age of the sedimentary sequence ranges from Late Jurassic-Lower Neocomian until Plio-Pleistocene. Late...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Stratigraphy, structure, paleoenvironment and subsidence history of the Mazagan Escarpment off central Morocco: A CYAMAZ synthesis ArchiMer
Auzende, J M; Rad, Uvon; Biju-duval, B; Cepek, P; Dostmann, H; Jaffrezo, M; Lancelot, Y; Ruellan, E.
The stratigraphy and structure of the old, starved passive margin of the Mazagan Plateau and the adjacent Escarpment which extends from 1,000-3,000 m water depth was studied during the cofinanced French-German CYAMAZ deep diving campaign which obtained 130 in-situ samples, supplemented by direct sea floor observations during 18 dive traverses. The facies evolution of the Mazagan carbonate platform between kimmeridgian and Valanginian times was mainly influenced by blockfaulting and sea-level fluctuations. Regressive periods occurred during Kimmeridgia/Tithonian and Late Berriasian times, and are separated by a late Tithonian/early Berriasian transgression. The drowning of the main carbonate platform and the Early Cretaceous to Paleogene history of the...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1985 URL:
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