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A pollution-monitoring pilot study involving contaminant and biomarker measurements in the Seine Estuary, France, using zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) 5
Minier, Christophe; Abarnou, Alain; Jaouen Madoulet, Agnes; Le Guellec, Anne-marie; Tutundjian, Renaud; Bocquene, Gilles; Leboulenger, François.
Zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) is an invasive species that has proliferated in European and North American rivers and lakes during the last century. In this study, D. polymorpha has been used to provide information on contamination levels and biological effects in the Seine Estuary (France). The bivalves accumulated polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) to a high degree with values reaching 800 ng/g dry weight for PCBs (sum of 20 congeners), and 1,000 ng/g dry weight of PAHs (sum of 14 compounds) in the whole body. These values are among the highest reported of PCBs and, to a lesser extent, of PAHs in other contaminated areas in the world. Toxic equivalent quantities of PCBs and PAHs detected in zebra mussels...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biomarkers; Multixenobiotic resistance; Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; Polychlorinated biphenyls; Dreissena polymorpha.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Acetylcholinesterase activity in copepods (Tigriopus brevicornis) from the Vilaine River estuary, France, as a biomarker of neurotoxic contaminants 5
Forget, Joelle; Beliaeff, Benoit; Bocquene, Gilles.
From April 1997 to June 1998, 14 measurements of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) enzymatic activity were performed with the copepod, Tigriopus brevicornis, collected at five stations in the Vilaine River estuary (South Brittany, France). Simultaneously, four chemical analyses of triazines and one analysis of total pesticides in water were undertaken. AChE activity levels in T brevicornis were compared to the levels measured at a reference site not exposed to effluents from Vilaine River. Results reveal significant differences between AChE activity levels depending on location of stations in the plume of the river with an increasing gradient of activity from the upstream to the downstream stations, thus indicating that neurotoxic contaminants are mainly brought...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Monitoring; Estuary; Pollution; Pesticides; Tigriopus brevicornis; Acetylcholinesterase activity.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Bioindicators of pollutant exposure in the northwestern Mediterranean sea 5
Burgeot, Thierry; Bocquene, Gilles; Porte, C; Dimeet, Joel; Santella, Rm; Garcia De La Parra, L.m.; Pihol-leszkowicz, A.; Raoux, C.; Galgani, Francois.
Several bioindicators were used to evaluate the biological and genotoxic effects of marine pollutants near large coastal cities in the northwestern part of the Mediterranean Sea. Three target species of teleosts were selected: red mullet Mullus barbatus and 2 types of comber (Serranus hepatus and S. cabrilla). Induction of ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activity specific for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) was measured in the livers of the fish, and inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) by organophosphorus insecticides and carbamates was measured in their muscle tissues. Maximal EROD activities (16.8 +/- 2.7 to 19.4 +/- 4.2 pmol min(-1) mg protein(-1)) recorded in red muller near Barcelona (Spain),...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: EROD; GST; AChE; Antioxidant enzymes; Biomonitoring; DNA adducts; PAH; Mullus barbatus.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Biological effects of the "Erika" oil spill on the common mussel (Mytilus edulis) 5
Bocquene, Gilles; Chantereau, Sebastien; Clerendeau, Christelle; Beausir, Emilie; Menard, Dominique; Raffin, Bernard; Minier, Christophe; Burgeot, Thierry; Leszkowicz, Annie Pfohl; Narbonne, Jean-françois.
A 3-year survey was made of several biological markers in mussels (Mytilus edulis) exposed in situ to the oil that came ashore after the wreck of the "Erika" tanker on the Brittany (France) coast in December 1999. The mussel response was assessed using a set of 7 biomarkers, most of them related to the metabolism of organic contaminants. After a series of validation tests, data was evaluated for only 5 biomarkers: acety1cholinesterase (AChE), glutathione S-transferase (GST), catalase (CAT), malondialdehyde (MDA) and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) adducts. No significant reductions in GST or CAT levels were observed, levels of DNA adducts and MDA were high during the 6 months immediately following the accident and levels of AChE were significantly lower during...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mytilus edulis; Mussel; Biomarkers; Monitoring; Survey; PAH; Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon; Oil spill.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Chlordecone in the marine environment around the French West Indies: from measurement to pollution management decisions 5
Bertrand, Jacques; Bodiguel, Xavier; Abarnou, Alain; Reynal, Lionel; Bocquene, Gilles.
Chlordecone is a very persistent insecticide used in banana plantations of the French West Indies between 1972 and 1993. Chlordecone residues were found in inland water, in agricultural and freshwater products, and in marine organisms. This pollution has become of great concern in 2007. Therefore, a governmental action Plan was launched to better assess the pollution and to improve the consumer’s protection. Within this plan, 1048 samples from 69 different species of marine fishes and crustaceans were collected all around both the Guadeloupe and the Martinique Islands and analyzed. The results confirm the presence of chlordecone in marine organisms, with highly variable concentrations (from the detection limit to 1000 μ In 17.9 % of the samples,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Chlordecone (Kepone); French West Indies; Fishes; Crustaceans; Organochlorinated contaminant; Risk assessment; Pollution management.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Contamination des milieux aquatiques par les substances pharmaceutiques et cosmétiques - Etat des lieux et perspectives 5
Collette-bregand, Maude; James, Alice; Munshy, Catherine; Bocquene, Gilles.
This document reports a survey of the aquatic contamination by cosmetics and medicinal products for human and veterinary uses. The contamination of the continental, estuary and coastal waters by these substances gives rise to questions on environmental risk assessment and management. Among the pharmaceutical classes involved, substances such as anti-inflammatory drugs, steroid hormones, antibiotics and hypolipemiants are of particular concern. Present regulations do not take into account the medical effluents in the environment. A significant part of these substances is not destroyed in water treatment plants whereas veterinary substances are directly spread in the environment. Some molecules occur in particularly high concentrations as shown for...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Médicaments; Produits pharmaceutiques; Vétérinaires; Cosmétiques; Émergents; Évaluation du risque environnemental; Risque chimique; Milieu marin; Pharmaceuticals; Ecotoxicity; Environmental risk assessment; Prioritization methods; Endocrine disruptors; Sewage; Sea water.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Contamination of some aquatic species with the organochlorine pesticide chlordecone in Martinique 5
Coat, Sophie; Bocquene, Gilles; Godard, Eric.
Martinique is a French overseas department whose economy relies heavily on agriculture. Organochlorine pesticides, mainly chlordecone, were used for banana cultivation to eradicate banana weevil over a period of 40 years. Chlordecone is chemically stable,and has a strong affinity for fatty tissues. It is therefore able to bioaccumulate in animals and thereby represent a threat to ecosystems and man. Soils from banana plantations in Martinique are heavily contaminated with chlordecone. Possible transfer of these molecules from agricultural watersheds to the aquatic environment and the organisms that live in it is feared. The hypothesis that ecosystems of Martinique might be highly contaminated with this organochlorine pesticide was investigated. Chlordecone...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: W Atlantic; Caribbean Islands; Food web; Aquatic organisms; Chlordecone; Contamination; Pesticides.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Diagnostic de la contamination chimique de la faune halieutique des littoraux des Antilles françaises. Campagnes 2008 en Martinique et en Guadeloupe 5
Bertrand, Jacques; Abarnou, Alain; Bocquene, Gilles; Chiffoleau, Jean-francois; Reynal, Lionel.
During the years 1972-1993, kepone a persistent pesticide has been used in the banana fields of the French West Indies (Martinique and Guadeloupe) to content a weevil. A slow desorption of the molecule from soil induces its transfer to the sea through the rivers from leaching and erosion. This study intended to take stock on the contamination by kepone of the fishery species around the islands fifteen years after the kepone ban. Furthermore other chemical pollutants were sought in fish and shellfish around the Martinique island. The results confirmed persistence of marine fauna contamination by kepone, mainly in the alluvium areas in front of polluted rivers. They shown also that this contamination may spread more widely but with fast decreasing through...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Antilles; Chlordécone; Pollution chimique; Environnement marin; Caribbean; Kepone; Chemical pollution; Marine environment.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Effets endocriniens des contaminants en milieu marin 5
Melis, Blandine; Bocquene, Gilles; Raffin, Bernard.
This report presents the state of art of endocrine disruption aspects in ecotoxicology. Some contaminants of the aquatic environment are able to mimic female fish hormones and thereby cause inappropriate feminisation of male fish. This feminisation involves artificial induction and emergence of ovotestis in male (oestrogenic disruption). Natural and synthetic oestrogenic hormones and several contaminants (alkylphenols, PCBs, phtalates and some pesticides) are already known to cause widespread feminisation of male. Two different types of analysis can be performed to detect oestrogenics effects. Immunochemical analysis of plasma (Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ELISA and radioimmuno assay RIA) shows that xenoestrogens induce vitellogenin and protein zona...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Effets létaux et sublétaux à long terme d'un nonylphénol polyéthoxyle, le NP 5 sur la civelle 5
Bocquene, Gilles; Miossec, Laurence.
Studying different concentrations, we have determined LT 50 of a non-ionic surfactant on elver eel: the polyoxyethylated nonylphenol NP 5. Then we studied sorne sublethal effects on fish behaviour and histological effects on gills, during 21 days. We demonstrated primary effects on gills structure and we believe in an impairing of the central nervous system.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Anguille; Tensio-actifs; Effets subletaux; Branchies; Eel; Surfactant; Sublethal effects; Behaviour; Gills.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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Environmental risk assessment: A critical approach of the European TGD in an in situ application 5
Guerit, Isabelle; Bocquene, Gilles; James, Alice; Thybaud, E; Minier, C.
The aim of this study was to test field relevance of the prospective methodology for the assessment of environmental risk described in the EU technical guidance document (TGD) [European Commission 2003. Technical guidance document in support of Commission Directive 93/67/EEC on Risk assessment for new notified substances and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1488/94 on Risk assessment for existing substances and Commission Directive (EC) 98/8 on biocides, second ed. European Commission, Luxembourg, Part 1, 2 and 3, 760pp.]. To achieve this goal, an environmental risk assessment was performed according to the TGD for two major contaminants, atrazine and diuron, that are present in the Seine River estuary (France) and listed in the EU Water Framework Directive...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Diuron; Atrazine; Estuaries; The Seine River; Technical guidance document; Chemical risk assessment.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Etat de la contamination du Bassin d'Arcachon par les insecticides et les herbicides sur la période 2005-2006. Impact environnemental 5
Auby, Isabelle; Bocquene, Gilles; Quiniou, Francoise; Dreno, Jean-paul.
Within the framework of the study on cup oyster breeding in the Arcachon Basin (IFREMER's SURGIBA Programme, co-financed by Europe, the Regional Council of Aquitaine, the Regional Council of Gironde and the Arcachon Basin's inter-communal Syndicate), some pesticides have been researched in the main waterways and in the waters of several of the Basin's zones (Figure 1), during the summer months (June to September) from 1999 to 2003 inclusive (Auby and Maurer, 2004). The presence of a certain number of molecules, mainly from herbicides, was found in the waters and it has generally been possible to identify their source. Certain substances come from agricultural uses or park maintenance; others are from nautical sources (anti-fouling paint for protecting the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: France; Arcachon basin; Hydrology; Chlorpyfiros; Chlorpyfiros; Insecticide; Weedkiller; Contamination; Marine environment.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Etude des zones côtières exposées à la contamination par les produits phytosanitaires 5
Tronczynski, Jacek; Moisan, Karine; Bocquene, Gilles; Maggi, Pierre; Grizon, James.
Le présent rapport est relatif aux travaux effectués à la Direction de l'Environnement et de l'Aménagement du Littoral dans le Département des Polluants Chimiques (DEUPC) au Centre de I'IFREMER à Nantes. Cette étude a été réalisée dans le cadre de l'activité de la Cellule Régionale d'Étude des Pollutions Chimiques des Eaux par les Produits Phytosanitaires (CREPEPP) des Pays de la Loire. Un premier sondage de la contamination des eaux et des sédiments par les produits phytosanitaires et les mesures de l'activité des cholinestérases dans les mollusques marins a été effectué sur deux zones conchyliennes de la région des Pays de la Loire : la baie de l'Aiguillon et la Baie de Bourgneuf. Les objectifs spécifiques proposés ont été les suivants : + Réaliser un...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Etude l'écotoxicité des sédiments dragues - Documents de synthèse et annexes - Projet du groupe GEODE 5
Quiniou, Francoise; Blanchard, Michel; Bocquene, Gilles; Burgeot, Thierry; Giboire, Louis; His, Edouard; Le Du, Anne.
La présente étude a pour objectif de sélectionner des méthodes de laboratoire et de terrain les mieux appropriées pour l'évaluation de l'écotoxicité de sédiments dragués : indicateurs biochimiques d'exposition (EROD et AChE), tests de toxicité sublétale (micro-organismes, algues, embryons de bivalve et extrait enzymatiques de poisson), indices physiologiques de bivalve (respiration, excrétion, mouvements valvaires). Une synthèse des résultats est présentée accompagnée, en annexes, des rapports des différents participants à l'étude.
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Ano: 1994 URL:
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Etude sur les contaminants émergents dans les eaux françaises - Rapport de l'étude prospective sur les contaminants émergents dans les eaux littorales de la métropole et des DOM 5
Abarnou, Alain; Bocquene, Gilles; Champin, Maryline; Durand, Gaetane; Gonzalez, Jean-louis; Le Moigne, Morgan; Masson, Jean-claude; Priou, Pierre; Tixier, Celine.
This study contributes to inventory programme on emerging pollutants in French waters and to the general reflection which will enable to update the list of relevant substnaces to be included in the new monitoring programmes to come. This work concerns the coastal part of the inventory programme on marine waters and sediments of France and five overseas french departments (OFD). In this goal, passive sampling techniques and direct extraction techniques have been tested through the implementation of in situ systems integrators POCIS (Polar Organic Chemical Integrative Sampler) and the extraction by SBSE bars (Stir bar sorptive extraction) directly in the waters sampled. Finally, analyzes of sediment completed the acquisition of data. Arount 40 stations were...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Eaux littorales; Eaux côtières; Sédiment; Métropole; DOM; Pollution; Substances chimiques; POCIS; SBSE; Coastal waters; Sediment; France; Overseas french departments; Pollution; Chemicals contaminants; POCIS; SBSE.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Etudes préliminaires sur la sensibilité d'organismes planctoniques marins vis à vis de deux insecticides et d'un herbicide 5
Marcaillou Le Baut, C; Bardouil, Michele; Bocquene, Gilles; Le Dean, Loic; Truquet, Philippe.
This work is the preliminary synthesis of some toxicological tests conducted on three pesticides. This recapitulation would not have been possible without the contribution of our trainees, Misses V. Perles and H. Le Boulicot and MM. M. Falchier and G. Gaty who contributed largely to this study, supervised by the laboratory staff. The obtained results cannot be considered as definitive. The urge to answer the needs did not leave us enough time to fine tune and/or complete the results; for example we still have not determined the lethal dose for 50% of the individuals. [...]
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Ano: 1983 URL:
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Evaluation des risques liés à l'immersion des boues de dragage des ports maritimes. Colloque de restitution des résultats du programme PNETOX, Paris 3 et 4 octobre 2002 5
Alzieu, Claude; Bocquene, Gilles; Delesmont, Régis; Dhainaut-courtois, Nicole; Empis, Anne; Forget, Joelle; Glemarec, Michel; Pavillon, Jean-françois; Pruvot, Chrystèle; Quiniou, Francoise.
RAPPEL DES OBJECTIFS - Les objectifs visés par l'étude à l'origine du présent contrat consistaient à proposer et réaliser une démarche d'analyse prévisionnelle des risques environnementaux applicable aux boues de dragages des ports maritimes et à leur immersion. L'objectif final était de fournir aux services portuaires et aux Cellules de la Qualité des Eaux Littorales du Ministère de l'Aménagement du Territoire et de l'Environnement, une méthodologie de prévision des risques environnementaux des immersions des matériaux de dragage, facilitant ainsi leur gestion.
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Ano: 2003 URL:
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Influence de chocs thermiques sur la croissance d'un dinoglagelle responsable d'eaux rouges: Scrippsiella faeroense (Paulsen) BALECH et SOAREZ 5
Lassus, Patrick; Le Baut, Claire; Truquet, Philippe; Bardouil, Michèle; Le Dean, Loïc; Bocquene, Gilles.
The growing development of thermonuclear electric plants on coastal areas drove the I.S.T.P.M. to carry out a number of impact studies. Previous works on the impact of the transit in the condensers on the phytoplankton have been published by the Pollution Biological Effects laboratory (Maggi el al., 1979 and 1980; Lassus and Maggi, 1980). Our results on the chlorophycea Dunaliella terliolecla demonstrated that thermic elevations from low temperatures stimulated its cellular development. Therefore, it seemed interesting to measure the effects of these thermic shocks on dinophyceae (or dinoflagellates), components, with diatoms, of the coastal phytoplankton, and main agents of the summer phenomena known as "red waters".
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Ano: 1982 URL:
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Influence de la Chloration sur les Premiers Stades Larvaires de Palaemon serratus (Pennant). 5
Lassus, Patrick; Maggi, Pierre; Le Baut, Claire; Bardouil, Michèle; Bocquene, Gilles; Le Dean, Loïc; Truquet, Philippe.
In order to estimate the effects of chlorine used in cooling systems of electric power plants on zooplankton, some experiments have been realized with the four first larval stages of the prawn (P. serratus Pennant). Chlorine injection was performed by constant adding at 16 and 20 degree C with times exposures of 5, 15 and 25 minutes. If there is no detectable variations in sensitivity of different stages, toxic effects of oxydants issued from chlorination can be observed (for both the two acclimatation temperatures) at 15 minutes exposure with a LD 50 : 32 mg/l of chlorine.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Palaemon serratus; Pollution effects; Larval development; Chlorine; Toxicity.
Ano: 1981 URL:
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Influence des rejets de l'usine "Thann et Mulhouse" sur les organismes marins - Mesures de pH "in situ" et relation avec les tests d'écotoxicité 5
Proniewsk, F.; Lassus, Patrick; Bocquene, Gilles; Miossec, Laurence; Bardouil, Michele.
Dans deux rapports précédents (LASSUS et PRONIEWSKI, 1982 - LE DEAN et Al. , 1983) un certain nombre d'éléments de réponse avaient été apportés quant aux effets d'un pH bas (2,8 à 3,0) en milieu marin, pendant une durée brève, sur la faune et la flore marines.
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Ano: 1984 URL:
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