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Non-polarized cytokine profile of a long-term non-progressor HIV infected patient BJID
Pina,Ana Flávia; Matos,Vanessa Terezinha Gubert de; Bonin,Camila Mareti; Dal Fabbro,Márcia Maria Ferrairo Janini; Tozetti,Inês Aparecida.
ABSTRACT The HIV-1 initial viral infection may present diverse clinical and laboratory course and lead to rapid, intermediate, or long-term progression. Among the group of non-progressors, the elite controllers are those who control the infection most effectively, in the absence of antiretroviral therapy (ART). In this paper, the TH1, TH2 and TH17 cytokines profiles are described, as well as clinical and laboratory aspects of an HIV-infected patient with undetectable viral load without antiretroviral therapy. Production of IL-6, IL-10, TNF-α, IFN-γ, and IL-17 was detected; in contrast IL-4 was identified. Host-related factors could help explain such a level of infection control, namely the differentiated modulation of the cellular immune response and a...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Interleukins; HIV seropositivity; Disease progression; Antiretroviral therapy.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Presence of highly oncogenic human papillomavirus in the oral mucosa of asymptomatic men BJID
Machado,Ana Paula; Almeida,Flávia Gatto de; Bonin,Camila Mareti; Prata,Thiago Theodoro Martins; Ávilla,Leandro Sobrinho; Padovani,Cacilda Tezelli Junqueira; Ferreira,Alda Maria Teixeira; Fernandes,Carlos Eurico dos Santos; Tozetti,Inês Aparecida.
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to identify highly oncogenic forms of human papillomavirus in the oral mucosa of asymptomatic men.METHODS: In this study, we analyzed samples of exfoliated cells from the oral cavity of 559 asymptomatic men. DNA-human papillomavirus was detected using the consensus primers PGMY09/11; viral genotyping was performed using type-specific PCR and restriction fragment length polymorphism.RESULTS: DNA-human papillomavirus was detected in 1.3% of the study participants and of those 42.8% were infected by more than one type of virus. Viral types included HPV6, 11, 89 (low oncogenic risk), and HPV52, 53 (high oncogenic risk). Increased vulnerability to human papillomavirus infection was observed in individuals aged over 26...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Human papilomavírus; Men; Viral type; Oral mucosal.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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