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Sources of carbohydrates in the ingestive behavior of feedlot steers R. Bras. Zootec.
Silva,Viviane Santos da; Alves Filho,Dari Celestino; Freitas,Leandro da Silva; Brondani,Ivan Luiz; Restle,João; Azevedo Junior,Ricardo Lima de; Teixeira,Odilene de Souza; Borchate,Daniele.
In this article we research the influence of different sources of carbohydrates (corn, soybean hulls or wheat bran) upon the digestive behavior of 24 confined castrated steers with an initial average age and weight of 20 months and 330 kg born from the cross between Charolais and Nellore. The diet was composed of 40% sorghum silage and 60% concentrate. The time spent on total ruminating (an average of 454.6 min/day) was not influenced by the source of carbohydrate. The animals from the wheat bran treatment spent less time idle (718 min) in relation to those on the corn and soybean hulls treatments, which did not differ between themselves (an average of 792 min/day). The steers from the wheat bran treatment remained less time feeding (184 min/day) compared...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Confinement; Feeding; Idleness; Soybean hull; Wheat bran.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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